An archive of the few art submissions received. Submissions are welcome anytime. To send anything in, please e-mail Jowy with your picture attatched. You can either send in a pic for the front page or a picture based on your chapter. 1 per chapter. Thanks a million for Jillia for this suggestion.
Title Page Archive
These were used for the front page.
Seed and Krugan :: Drawn by Camus, CGed by Jowy. This was the first title page for the Suikoden 2 RPG. It has been in use for quite some time until Camus and Jowy decided on something else.
Camus :: by Camus. Camus whipped this up pretty quick. The Rage Rune effect is nifty.
Jowy Atreides :: by Random Lurker #217 (lost your e-mail, sorry!). Sent in as a random submission. But hey, random submissions are welcome anytime!
Ruka Bright (Luca Blight) :: by Ruka Ho. It's Akuma! RUN!! @_@
Nanami :: by Jowy. The background is supposed to say, "Cheer".
Sierra :: by Mess. SD and not SD at the same time. Ain't she cute?
Chapter Image Archive
Jowy Chapter 11 :: by Jowy. Spoilers for his chapter 11!
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