Bandits and Roses (Kobald Village) On April 24 of every year, me and mommy hold a ceremony called, The Dancing Petals. We hold this ceremony to honor the memory of those who were attacked on April 24. My Daddy was one of the many people that got attacked, and he was one of the rather large amount that got sent to heaven. Every year, me and mommy go to the top of a big hill, called Hirioshi's Hill. Most of the town's people call it Fire Demon Peak, because that was the spot where most of the people died. We have already gathered our flowers for this years festival. They are white roses, with the stem cut off. We got to the top of the hill, and stand very still, so that we don't upset the wind people, and the wind carries the flowers down to the village where the people catch them. Anyone who catches them, are given a candle that they put inside it. At night time, we light the candle, put it in the flower, then set the flower on a little wooden boat. Then the boat sails off. It's a real pretty scene to watch. Right before my grampa got caught by the bandits of Hiroshi, and right before my daddy was sent to heaven, I was given a shiny necklace. It's pick and it has a cherry blossom in it. It glows every time that we go to Hiroshi, and it burns my skin. My grampa was taken by Kirosi, the bandit leader. He treats us really bad, and we are all afriad of him. Mommy told me that he set the demon free to attack us! Since my grampa is gone, I have to take care of the sheep. Their names are, Ruru, Nunu, and Dootile. I named Dootile because he has a pattern on his fur that looks like tiles. His named used to be Doo. "HAHAHA!!!! What a perfect opportunity to finally get ahold of the pendant!!!!" Kirosi yelled. "What do we need it for boss?" The bandit asked. "Well, we are going to use it to open the TOMB OF MERAEA!!!!" Kirosi shouted loud enough to make the comfrence room cave in. "Why do we need to do that? He'll just attack us, and then he'll wake up Meloci, and all that bad stuff will happen again....." The bandit said. "I'm not the least bit afraid of Meloci!!!!!! she may have the power to freeze things, but I have the power to steal!!!!" Kirosi yelled again. "I think that it's a wonderful idea. With Meloci and Meraea battling it out, that will give us time to settle the score with Ivy. We can have her bury them all underground, and then wake up another master, ad have her kocked out of the way. All the way until we get to Kali the serpant master." A female bandit said. "You know Eve, I like the way you think...." Kirosi began to say, " BUT I HATE YOUR MOOD SWINGS!!!!" "Mood swings????? SPEAK FOR YOURSELF YOU DUNDERHEAD!!!" Eve shouted. "Now, now, calm down. Can't a cat get any sleep around here? I was having a nice cat nap until you two Idiots woke me up." A strange silver cat said. "Elvie my faithful pet, are we bothering you?" Kirosi said. "I am not a 'pet' And yes, you are bothing me. I could tell my mistress." Elvie said. "What will she do? Throw a rock at me? Ha, your silly human can't do a thing to the great Kirosi." Kirosi announced. "You have been warned. She is training to becaome a great wizard. I wouldn't be surprised if she used you for target practice after that little remark." Elvie said, and trotted off. "Why that little......." Kirosi said. What beautiful spring air! The trees and flowers are beautiful today! The perfect day for Flying Flowers! "Alright Yuzu, were here. Stand Very still...." Alena, Yuzu's mother said. All the flowers left the basket, one by one. They look like they are dancing. "There all done." Alena said. "MOMMY!!!!!!!!!! THE FLOWERS!!!!!!" Yuzu yelled. "What is it!?!?!?!?!?!?! What's happening!?!?!" Alena yelled. "They, they are turning black..........and setting on fire........." Yuzu said nervously.