"Rays of Hope" (Outside the Kobold Village) Tengaar sat on top of Ravenblade. She stared at Hunter who was on the ground, holding the rains and walking Ravenblade toward their destination. Tengaar sat high on the horse; she had not eaten in almost a day. Tengaar darted her eyes at Hunter. Hunter gazed up at her; he saw her eyes shift. Hunter looked at her. Tengaar glance back at him. "Hunter..." she whined "I hate to say this but...I'm getting pretty hungry" Hunter looked up at her. "You should have told me before we left Tengaar! Oh well its not to big of a deal, we haven't made it pretty far...Fine I'll take you back" Tengaar smiled sweetly at him. Hunter blushed as red as an apple. Hunter looked at Ravenblade, who acted like he was half-asleep. Tengaar watched Hunter tap him a few times till finally... "WAKE UP YOU STUPIED HORSE!" Hunter yelled Tengaar plugged her ears as Hunter raved at Ravenblade. As he cursed on at the poor beast, Tengaar waited silently for him to stop. "Are you done yet, Hunter?" Tengaar asked sweetly "Heh...uh...I'm done" Hunter choked as he blushed again Tengaar giggled at the site of his cute rosy red cheeks. Hunter finally managed to get the horse under control. Grabbing the rains, he and Tengaar head back to the Kobold Village. The pendant lay in glimmering in the sand. Merea's ashes floated in the air, and small pieces of fabric intertwine with them.Yuzu, Kirosi, and Elvie stand panic stricken on the shores of Lakewest. Yuzu began to shed tears as did Kirosi and Elvie. "Mother.........." Yuzu began, " It can't be........" "Yuzu. It's alright." Elvie said and sat down beside her purring affectionately. "Oh kitty!," Yuzu swept Elvie up in her arms," I can't believe that I'm never going to see my mommy again. I loved her kitty, why did she go?" "All humans must go at some point in their lives. It's their lot in life, it's not a lot but it's your life. And someone has to live it." Elvie said. "Your right kitty. Mommy died for me, I should have paid attention to her more....." Yuzu said. "So what are you going to do now?" Kirosi asked. "I don't know. What do you think kitty?" Yuzu said softly. "Well first, I think that you should call be by my name. It is Elvoret, but you may cal me Elvie. Second I think that we should return to Kobold Village. Or what's left of it." Elvie said. "Okay Elvie, let's go back. " Yuzu said. Yuzu, Elvie and Kirosi walked to the spot where Alena had once been standing. Yuzu picked up her pendant, put it around her neck, and they started once again for Kobold village. Yuzu walked up to the hill where her father's grave was and sat down in front of it. As they made there way back into the village, Hunter and Tengaar stopped at a restaurant that was close by. "Hunter stop!!!" Tengaar yelled "Look! A Restaurant!" Hunter stopped walking and looked to his side. Ravenblade stopped and sniffed Hunter's hair. Tengaar watched him sigh over the fact that they were back at the Kobold Village again. "What's wrong Hunter?" she asked "Uh...it's nothing Tengaar, don't worry" "Oh all right then..." Tengaar sighed sadly "I won't worry then" Tengaar grabbed Hunter's hand and rushed inside the restaurant. A female Kobold stood at front. "Hi my name is Dotty! Woof can I take your order?" Tengaar stared at the menu. There was not much totally on there list, but they stuff they did have was at a good price. Tengaar smiled at Hunter, who looked eager to order something and then leave. "Hunter I wants some Fried Tacos please!" Tengaar said cheerfully After hearing what she wanted, Dotty rushed away to get it already. Tengaar stood beside Hunter and waited. In only a few short minutes Dotty returned with the meal. "100 potch please" said Dotty Tengaar dipped into her pocket and pulled out some of her cash. "Let me get it Tengaar" Hunter offered "No, it's okay I can pay for it" "But I want to" Hunter whined Tengaar gave up and let him pay for her. After that the two walked outside. "You know you didn't have to Hunter..." "But I wanted to Tengaar" He said blushing Tengaar walked and munched on her tacos. She then shuffled over to Ravenblade and leaned on him. Hunter watched her eat it. "My mommy, " Yuzu began to say, " She she...." Yuzu broke down into tears. Tengaar could here a small voice from were she was standing. She was totally unsure of where it came from. "Hunter did you hear something?" Tengaar asked him shyly "No I didn't" Hunter said "Can you finish your toco so we can go?" Tengaar gave Hunter a dirty look. Yuzu placed a small wooden cross beside her father's grave. Elvie sat down beside her and wrote with her claw, "Alena we shall always remember thee...." Elvie powers activated the wooden cross, and turned it into stone, the letters shining brightly in the sun. Tengaar finished her toco in a jiffy. Hunter stared at her and sighed. "How can you eat so fast?" "I don't know I just can" Tengaar said smiling Hunter looked at her "Can we leave now?" Tengaar nodded her head, and got back on Ravenblade. Hunter grabbed the rains and trekked Ravenblade toward the hillside. Kirosi sat down beside Yuzu and put his hands together as if he was in prayer. Yuzu did the same. Elvie bowed her head. "We will always remember you Alena, for your kindness and your hope. You always believed in Yuzu, and you also believed that everyone has good inside even though they don't show it. To honor you, I promise to take care of this child." Kirosi said softly. Tengaar stared at the road ahead. She couldn't stop thinking of that voice she heard. She wanted to know who it was, and if they were all right. Looking at the hill in front of her, Tengaar saw a small animal, a male, and a very young looking female. "I wonder what is going on...?" Tengaar wondered "So now what do we do? We can't stay here. Who knows when Merea could show up again." Elvie said. "Well we could go to Greenhill. Yuzu is going to be needing some schooling soon. Plus she needs to get away from those sheep." Kirosi said. "That's an idea. Huh? Hey look, Yuzu! People! Real ones! And they have an animal! Oh goody!" Elvie said happily. Tengaar saw the people staring at her. Sitting on Ravenblade, she glanced at them. "Hey Tengaar you okay...?" Hunter asked her "I'm fine...Can you take me over there" Tengaar said pointing at the people on hill. "Sure...but what for...?" "I just want to see why they're up there" "Oh..." "Hey Elvie. Are you sure it's safe? just to jump up and down at total strangers like that? I thought you were sophisticated." Kirosi said sarcastically. Elvie gave him a menacing stare. "She's pretty." Yuzu said. "I am sophisticated you pig! I just haven't seen a human in a long time, besides Yuzu of course." Elvie said. "I'm a human. Or did you forget already?" Kirosi said. "I meant a clean one!" Elvie shouted. Tengaar could hear all the complaining from the top of hill. "Hey Tengaar...Is it safe to go up there?" Hunter asked "I'm sure it is...not to worry" Tengaar looked ahead, as Ravenblade trucked slowly up the hill. "Elvie, that isn't very sophisticated. I thought that you'd have more sense." Kirosi said. "Well what do you want me to be!?" Elvie replied. "They are coming up the hill." Yuzu said. Elvie and Kirosi suddenly stopped their insane argument and stared at the two visitor's. They were coming up the hill. Finally making it to the top, Tengaar saw why they were there. A grave. Hunter looked at Tengaar, who was spooked. "Hello" Hunter said smoothly as he forced Ravenblade to stop walking. Tengaar looked at them "Hello" Tengaar glared at the grave. She started to stumble on old memories of her mother, whom she had lost a few years ago. "Hi! Real people! Can you believe it Yuzu!?" Elvie said excitedly. "Welcome! Heh. Nice horse." Kirosi said. Yuzu stared at the girl who looked a lot like her mother. "Eh? Hey Yuzu! You okay?" Elvie asked. Yuzu only stared and blinked. Tengaar looked at the little girl who stood before her. She saw some kind of fear in her eyes. On the other hand Tengaar didn't know if she was staring at the horse, or right at her. "Oh my horse..." Hunter said staring at a half asleep Ravenblade "Yeah...evil horse..." Tengaar jumped off Ravenblade and stood before everyone. Evil?" Kirosi began to say, " Well he looks as gentle as a lamb!" "Hey Yuzu. You okay?" Elvie asked. Yuzu suddenly came out of her trance. "Huh? What? Ah! Did you say something Elvie?" Yuzu replied. "Oh nothing. Look, Yuzu. Look at these people. Get a good look at them, these are the only humans you'll be seeing for awhile. Don't stare at the horse. He looks evil...." Elvie said. "Hello, " Yuzu began, " I'm Yuzu. What's your name?" Tengaar smiled at Yuzu "My name is Tengaar, It's a pleasure to meet you Yuzu" Then something hit Tengaar "Was she the voice I heard...?" "My name is Hunter, and this is my very rude and stupid horse, named Ravenblade" "I must say that I am pleased to meet you too." Yuzu said. She smiled and looked at Elvie. Elvie glanced at Kirosi who was looking strangely at Ravenblade. "Please don't call your animals dumb. It hurts me considering that I am an animal." Elvie said and backed up behind Yuzu. "Please excuse her. She thinks that she is the mistress of the world because she can talk and use magic." Yuzu said and smiled. "I hardly mean what I say, it's just I have had him for so long, and now he hardly listens to me!" Hunter complained "It's all right Yuzu..." Tengaar said slowly "Hunter is always complaining about his horse...I think Ravenblade is just the cutest! But so is your little animal..." Tengaar looked at Elvie, and she smiled. Hunter looked at his horse, who was still half-asleep. "Well that's the first time that anyone has said that to me in years! I'm surprised thank you!" Elvie shouted. "Forgive me for saying this but..." Yuzu stalled, " You remind me of my mother." "Oh little Yuzu! Don't worry! Kirosi Taichikawa is here to protect you! Which is more then what that cat can do!" Kirosi shouted. "I'll have your neck you little...." Elvie started to say. Elvie stared at Yuzu who was crying. Tengaar looked at the sobbing little girl, and bent down to her height. "It's all right" Tengaar said smiling at the girl "But if you don't mind me asking....what happened to your mother...?" Hunter gave Tengaar a quick glance. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though..." "Elvie could you tell her? I can't remember it all..." Yuzu said as she sat on the ground. "Well, a terrible beast appeared in Mount Hirioshi. All of us fled the village and we appeared in Lakewest. Yuzu's mother Alena, decided to battle the terrible beast by herself. She did this by taking the Elemental Pendant from Yuzu and using it to create a giant water sword. It extinguished Merea, but Alena was killed. Her father had done the same thing." "Oh...Poor Yuzu..." Tengaar started to get all teary eyed, for Tengaar too had lost her mother at the same age as Yuzu. Hunter stared at everyone looking totally confused. "This is daddy's grave and the one next to it is Mommy's. I miss my mommy..." Yuzu said sobbing. "Oh Yuzu.....Anyway, so where you guys headed?" Elvie asked. Kirosi was still staring at the horse. "Were taking the long route to Muse...Tengaar seems to be looking for someone" Hunter said smiling, then he looked at Kirosi, whom seemed to interested in Ravenblade. "It's all right Yuzu...I bet your mother was a brave women. I also know what that feeling is like..." "Thank you.." Yuzu said. She stood up and smiled happily at Tengaar. Yuzu wiped the tears off her face. "We are headed to Greenhill, " Elvie began, " But, we'll probably end up in highland with Kirosi's sense of direction. And that's all we need. To get caught by the Highland Army." Elvie said. "Well why don't you lead us?" Kirosi asked. "I may be a cat, but I don't have a cat's excellent sense of direction. I lack that." Elvie said Tengaar smiled at Yuzu and then looked at Elvie. "Well I have a map" Hunter started "If you want you guys can have it, I have no use for it" Tengaar smiled at the already blushing Hunter. "Thanks but I can find the way just fine by myself." Kirosi said rudely. "Oh come off it!" Elvie said. "NO! Mr. Kirosi! You shouldn't be so rude to them! He let you look at his pretty horse!" Yuzu shouted. "Whoa. I didn't mean to make you so upset little Yuzu." Kirosi said. "No need to flame at me Kirosi...It's all right, a simple 'No' would have been fine" muttered Hunter Tengaar looked at Kirosi, and she made a fist. Then let go and moved her hand slowly back down. She could do anything rude to offend them, so she just listened in. "Okay okay, I'm sorry." Kirosi mumbled and walked down the hill. "Miss Tengaar?" Yuzu asked, " May I give you something?" "Yuzu? Have you gone mad?" Elvie asked. Tengaar looked at Yuzu "Sure...what is it?" Hunter stared at the two. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Kirosi. "Bend over.." Yuzu said. "Yep, she's mad." Elvie said. Kirosi stood in front of Alena's grave staring. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a flower. The same flower from the festival. He placed it on top of the stone. Tengaar bent down again, and looked at Yuzu "This better?" Hunter looked at Kirosi. "Yeah. Here, I made this. I wanted to give this to someone that I truly thought of as a friend." Yuzu put a necklace made of coral around Tengaar's neck. It shined in the setting sun. Tengaar held it in the palm of her hand. It was very beautiful. "Thank you so Much Yuzu" Hunter watched and stared at the necklace. "It's made from the coral that washed up on the shore. I'm glad you like it." Yuzu said. Elvie stared at Yuzu and then diverted her attention to Kirosi. Kirosi was staring at Alena's grave. Hunter looked at Tengaar "You know, we better go soon" Tengaar looking sad, didn't really want to. "We need to get going to Yuzu." Elvie said. "I know..." Yuzu said softly. "Kirosi, we'd better get going." Elvie said. "Alright...." Kirosi answered. Tengaar looked at Yuzu. She smiled down on the little girl. Hunter gave Tengaar quick look. "I'm sorry Yuzu, but I best be on my way, It was very nice to meet you. And thank you very much for the necklace. I'll treasure it forever" "It was nice meeting you too, Tengaar. I hope that we meet again someday." Yuzu said and smiled back. Kirosi walked over to Hunter. "I'm sorry about feuding with you. About your horse." Kirosi said. Elvie stared at Kirosi and smiled. Hunter shot Kirosi a look. He smiled "It's all right, no hard feelings." Tengaar looked Yuzu and then walked over to Ravenblade. She got up on him and looked back at Yuzu's smiled "Someday..." Tengaar said smiling "I'll be waiting for that day" "Goodbye Tengaar! Goodbye Hunter! I hope to see you again!" Elvie shouted. "Yeah me too!" Kirosi shouted. Elvie jumped up on Yuzu's shoulders. She waved at Tengaar and Hunter. "Yes someday!" Yuzu shouted. Holding Ravenblade's rains, Hunter began to walk Ravenblade down the hill. Tengaar sitting on top holding the necklace given to her, waved to Yuzu and her friends, and hoping to one day see them again. Yuzu and the others waved back, and started to walk off in the direction of Greenhill. The image of the girl that reminded her of her mother fresh in her mind. Her pendant shining in the evening sun.