Tengaar Chapter 3
(Unicorn Woods to Kobold Village)

Tengaar sat under a tree and started to think. She didn't know if she wanted to leave Unicorn Woods just yet. She waited some more.

"Well...?" asked Hunter

"I think I would like to go back...I don't think he will show up"

"Oh, all right then Tengaar I'll take you back"

Tengaar got up and stood there for a moment. She started to think of where she could go. She started to think hard.

"Hmm...What about the Highlands...? I have never been there before" she thought to herself

Hunter gazed at Tengaar and waited for her answer. Tengaar smiled and told him she was wanting to head to the Highlands.

Hunter looked at her "Highlands...?Why there? If you don't mind me asking"

"It's all right, I just wanted to go there and look around, that's all" she said as she got up and began to walk.

"But they're dangerous! Are you totally sure?"

"Yes I am..."

Hunter looked at Tengaar and his jaw dropped. Tengaar didn't think the Highlands were such an awful place, she didn't see anything wrong with them at all.

"Do you want someone to get you at least to Muse?"

Tengaar looked at Hunter.

"I think I'll be all right, it's not a big deal" Tengaar said as she walked off toward the opening of the forest.

Tengaar had a strange feeling. She had never totally been away from the Warriors-Village so she though this would be a good time to go see the world. Tengaar had always wanted to see more then her hometown.

Tengaar looked at Hunter's cold face. His eyes narrowed at her, in almost a strange glare. Tengaar continued to walk ahead, while Hunter followed close behind.

"Hey Tengaar, why don't you let me escort you to at least Greenhill? Please Tengaar, I would be honored to..."

Tengaar stared at him, she started to think about what he was up to (That is IF he was). She didn't understand why he was offering, and she started to think that it would be hurtful not to accept.

"Sure, alright then Hunter..."

Tengaar could see the a small smile appear on his face. She began to look at him some more.

"Great!" Hunter yelled as he grabbed Tengaar's arm "Follow me!"

Hunter had taken Tengaar to a small cavern in the woods, both looked at each other and walked in. Inside Tengaar had saw a large animal. It was a tall white haired, pure white stallion.

"Tengaar meet my horse, Ravenblade" Hunter said cheerfully

Tengaar walked over to the beast and slowly put her hand out toward it. Finally she began to stroke it ever so gentle, as she felt its warm mane in her fingers.

Tengaar stared at the horse and she thought about the unicorn she was suppose to be seeking. She forgot all about it. She still didn't understand why Hix wouldn't come with her, but she ignored the thought and began to pat the horse some more.

"Shall we go Tengaar?" Hunter asked shyly

"I guess so..."

"What's the matter Tengaar?"

"It's...nothing at all..."

"Well it's not nothing at all if your gonna fuss over it! Tell me..."

Tengaar looked at him with wide eyes. She didn't think he would understand her love for Hix at all. She knew that if Hix loved her he would have came with her to the Unicorn Woods. She started to think of reason but not many came to mind. Tengaar stared at the walls and acted as if she was staring into space.

Hunter sighed and finally yelled to her "TENGAAR!"

Tengaar jumped for a second and then looked at Hunter.

"Don't rush me!!!!!" Tengaar fired back

"Sorry, but you looked out of it"

"I'm sorry I can't say what is bugging me Hunter..."

"It's all right Tengaar, I was just worried about you that's all..."

"Sorry to worry you then"

"Well do you wish to go now?"

"Yes please"

Hunter grabbed Tengaar's hand and carefully lifted her up on to Ravenblade. Then got on him-self. Tengaar sat still and waited for Hunter's commands "Just hold on tight okay? I don't need you falling along the way and I don't need you just hurt in anyway" Hunter explained "So lets go!"

Tengaar held on to Hunter's waist and held on very tight. Tengaar watched Hunter closely to see what he was doing. She watched him give the horse two small swift kicks to the sides of it.

Ravenblade startled and felt the small swift kicks. The horse nudged a bit and final obeyed Hunter's command to go. The Horse flew out of the cave and began to speed up, as it raced forward to the Kobold Village.

Tengaar bounced along with the horse. Ravenblade trotted along as Hunter held the rains tight and forced the horse to slow down. The horse obeyed his orders.

Tengaar felt the beast move slower as they made it closer to the Kobold Village. The horse slowed down and trotted into the village before them. Since the village was packed with people, Hunter commanded it to stop. The Horse obeyed quickly and let Hunter off.

Hunter jumped down and held the rains in his hands. He then walked Ravenblade though the village. The Kobold's stared at Tengaar who was perched on the top of the longhaired beast. It didn't take long till they left the village, and into the sunset.

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"Tengaar" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami
This chapter was posted on May 24, 2000