"A Message Sent" (Ryoshi, Lakewest) The dark spires of Ryoshi glowed briefly as lightning flashed through them. Ryoshi...a Dark City, full of decadence, crime, a terrified populace, ruled by a dark one. Castle Darksun stood, weathered by the ages, on a hill surrounded by the city of Ryoshi. Outside, the walls were cold and dark. Inside burns a heart equal to the outside, yet a thousand times more…Evil. Sygo could not help but shivering as he approached the Throne of Lord Makarui, his father. Sygo was old, but not so old as Makarui himself. Even though he continued to live, all the flesh from Makarui had long since been scorched away, leaving nothing but bleached bone. Makarui had encased himself in black armour, but for fear effect, left his head uncovered. Lord Makarui Darksun, Immortal Lord of Ryoshi, Clan Lord of Clan Darksun. Makarui looked up, and saw Sygo coming towards him. His son dropped to one knee. There was silence. “Speak.” Rasped Makarui, his voice like dry leaves rustling in a cold wind. “Yes, my Lord. We have lost contact with Prince Vankai and Knight Aranka. They Blinked, and we are certain they landed in Jowston, but we are not sure where in Jowston.” Sygo cringed, waiting for the fury of his father. The Rune on Makarui’s head glowed briefly. The Rune…Not just a Rune, but a Great Rune, one those outside of Kanakan called a True Rune. The Great Rune was a Demonic head, with horns protruding from its head, and fangs stuck out of a mouth opened in a howl of rage. It was known as the Demon Fury Rune. Makarui rose and walked over to Sygo. With surprising speed, the armour-clad Skeleton grabbed his son and hurled him against the wall. Sygo’s breath left him, and he lay there, gasping for air. “Fools!” He spat. “I am surrounded by fools!” Makarui walked to the window that ran along the walls of the Throne Room, which looked over Ryoshi. “The Firehair defeated me once, and I will NOT tolerate letting her live! She is a danger to my power, just as she was 40 years ago!” “B-but, fa-father…” Sygo sputtered. “She m-must be very o-old by now. At t-the end of her l-life even. W-why not let her live out the few y-years remaining to her?” “Because NOW is the perfect time to strike against the lush countries!” Makarui gestured impatiently over the barren fields of Kanakan. “This land is dull and lifeless. The Republic, Jowston, Highland, Harmonia-they are all green, with food and riches! And now they are all busy, fighting a silly little war. If I can come in, quickly and decisively, they will all fall to Clan Darksun! Yet…The Firehair…” He ran a gauntleted hand over the hard white bone of his face. “40 years ago, she did this to me. All the flesh was seared from my bones, leaving only this skeleton, proof of my Immortality. She thought me dead, yes, but I could not die. I will never die. But I have been mocked ever since. I, the Great Lord Makarui, possessor of the Demon Fury Rune, a Great Rune itself! Because of this I lost the respect I once held. The Firehair will pay. And she alone knows how to combat me. The Firehair knows my weaknesses. She must die before the Conquest can begin! And I can wait no longer. Soon this world will bow to me. That is what must happen.” Taki was taking a walk down by Lakewest’s harbour. She loved the peace and tranquility of Lake Deunan, with the sun glistening off the quiet waters. The harbour was quiet. Lakewest wasn’t a big town for warehouses and yachts like Kuskus or Coronet. No, Lakewest’s harbour was for fishermen bringing in their food, and for the odd tourist coming in to go to Two River, even as far as Greenhill or Matilda. Taki was wandering down the beach when she saw the Village Elder, Mr. Vanderhall, talking to a boy named Kyle Townsend. Mr. Vanderhall was handing a small envelope to Kyle. “Ah, Mr. Vanderhall, Mr. Townsend!” She said, walking over to them. “Hello!” “Ah, Taki, hello.” Mr. Vanderhall said. “I was just asking Mr. Townsend here to run this letter over to the Kobold Village. It’s just about asking for some security for the village.” “Hi, Grandmother Taki.” Kyle said. The young people in Lakewest referred to all the old people as either ‘Grandfather’ or ‘Grandmother’, out of respect. “Hello, Mr. Townsend.” Taki said, smiling. “How does today find you then?” “Good, I guess.” Mr. Vanderhall coughed. “Yes, right. Now Kyle, I want you to spend the night at the Kobold Village. It’s too risky to be wandering around at night these days.” “But Kobolds smell!” Protested Kyle. “I don’t care.” Said Mr. Vanderhall dismissively. “It’s just not a good idea to be on the roads at night!” “Aw…” “Kyle!” “Yes Grandfather Vanderhall.” Kyle grumbled. Mr. Vanderhall gave Kyle the Envelope. “You have a lunch? Yes? Good. Make as few stops a possible, here’s some Potch to get you to stay at the Inn. Deliver the letter to the Kobold Chief immediately upon arriving at the village. Stick to the road, don’t talk to strangers, and, oh-“ “With all due respect sir,” Kyle interjected. “I’m not a kid. I think I can handle it. See ya ‘round, Grandfather, Grandmother!” Without another word, Kyle took off to the road out of the village. “Ah.” Taki said, grinning. “Youth.”