Simone Chapter 6
"Trek to Greenhill"

Early that morning, Simone woke up. Before he went to get his horse, he thought about what he needed to do. Well, he could go to Kuskus, get a boat ride to Coronet, pass the Greenhill-Muse border, and go to Greenhill and find this "Jaxx" guy.

"Don't forget that I AM a hearing ear rune," said Sher. "And you can talk to Jo. Though I recomend, when you get him today, that you tell him calmly. We dont wan't a bad reaction"

"Good thinking," Simone thought. So he went to the stables and got Jo. When he first saw Jo, Simone was astounded. His horse looked like a magnificent war horse. He then went to Jo, reubbed his head and said, "Hello Jo. My name is Simone. If your wondering, the reason I am so clear to you is because I have a hearing ear rune. We can talk to each other." At the mention of being able to talk to him, Jo was startled. But at the mention of the Hearing Ear Rune, he understood, for Jo was actually a very intelligent horse.

"Fine," Jo replied. "But one thing, could you PLEASE call me Eden instead?"

"Sure," Simone replied. "And how does that armor and such feel?"

"Great," Eden replied. "Hans is TRULY gifted when it comes to armor."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM?" Simone said, startled. "He just did the armor, but didn't mention his name, did he?"

"OF COURSE!" Eden said. "You are used to stupid, primitive horses. I am a pure-bred unicorn decendent. The only blemish is when a HUMAN cut off both my parents horns, somehow not letting me have one, and not letting me fully be able to speak to humans."

"I'm sorry about that," simone said, "but we need to go." So he got on Eden, and rode off.

Eden then said, "I can tell your wonderful with horses, so you don't have to tell me what you want me to do, just handle me like you would handle a regular horse."

"Wonderful," Simone replied. "It is great that I got such a magnificent, graceful, and fast horse like you." And fast was true, because Simone indeed wished for a fast pace, and got almost the exact speed he wanted. This horse was great, it responded to his horse-riding commands, and could talk to him. When Simone had complimented Eden, he seemed to be even MORE graceful and swift. They rode and rode and rode. "Wonderful!" Simoen thought. "It has only been around three hours, and I can tell that we are already halfway there!" But off in the distance, what looked to be two Highland soldiers, on horses, having a conversation was heading west, versus his North. He overheard their conversation, for the Hearing Ear Rune also enhanced the wearers hearing.

"HEH HEH HEH!" one mailman said. "Lord Ruka's mail will make it to the other mailman, who will transport it to all of the important unit commanders!"

"Yup," the other said, "framing Jowston to make it look like they killed the Unicorn Brigade, just to start a war, that way we can win them over is sheer BRILLIANCE!"

"Yeah, those CHILDREN never saw the massacre coming, and sinse all of them are DEAD, war will erupt." At this, Simone filled with rage, his blood boiling, and he couldn't contain himself.

"WHAT!" he roared, speeding at top speed (which was VERY fast) towards the men. "THEY MASSACRED THEIR OWN UNIT, OF UNSUSPECTING, INNOCENT CHILDREN, JUST TO DO WHAT? START A WAR! YOU WILL PAY!" He couldn't contain himself. He forgot all conscience, and just thought "innocent childre, innocent children...". Once he reached them, he jumped, still going top speed, at one of the men. As he flew towards the mailman, the mailman just stared at the speeding blur. As he jumped, he unsheathed Rhapsody. When he hit, he just kept going and landed almost 10 feet away, the body of the mailman mangled under Eden's leg, who had no objection to this, for he too was enraged. The mailman's horse just sped away. He then sped towards the second mailman, and jumped at him, the mailman looked at him with pure fear. But instead of into him, he went a little to the left, and grabbed him by the hair, and took him with him when they jumped over. When Eden landed, so did the mailman, but is was not so smooth. He had landed being held in the air by his hair, very painful. The second mailman's horse sped away too. As the mailman lay there, in much obvious pain, Simone dismounted with Rhapsody still in had. Eden just looked at the pathetic mailman with a look of pure hatred. Simone then yanked him up by the hair, making him stand. "EXPLAIN THIS!" Simone yelled at him. "WHY DID HIGHLAND MURDER INNOCENT CHILDREN!"

"Ug, Ug, UHG, UHG. W-W-W-W-Well. *he reached into his pack, pulled out a letter and said* Lord Ruka said to go into the camp at night, and massacre them all. And that in all of the escapes, the set an ambush so they would be killed. It was so the citizens of Kyaro would be enraged, thinking Jowston did it because that is what they were told, and INSIST UPON war. Ruka knew this, siezed it, because he wants to control the Jowston area." Hearing what he wanted to hear, Simone plunged his sword into the mans stomach, for he now hated highland soldiers (and mailmen) more than anything, and this Ruka Bright most of all. He picked up the letter, put it in his puch (on his pants). He pulled out Rhapsody, sheathed it, mounted onto Eden, and they were off. None of them spoke, for they now knew war was inebidable, and children had been SLAUGHTERED! He MUST tell someone of Jowston importance. But before he worried about that, he needed to go to Greenhill, because he had a feeling there was someone there who could help him, and some much needed information. So off he went, towards Kuskus.

"GREAT!" Simone thought. "I can see Kuskus clearly, and we have only been traveling for around 7 hours, Eden is WONDERFUL." He then sped up Eden to top speed, wanting to go to the inn in Kuskus and get some much needed rest. As he arrived, he slowed down Eden, and rode to the stables. He checked Eden in and said to him, "Tanks for the great ride." And, not wanting people to think the nice Simone was strange, justed neighed happily. Simone understood. Simone walked to the inn, payed the innkeeper for one night, ate, and startd thinking about his food storage and the final part of his trek to Greenhill. He ate no food on his way, and didn't use any of his supplies. The trip to Kuskus had taken about 7 hours. The boat ride to Coronet would take about 10, and form Coronet to Greenhill it would be around 18 hours, at Eden's fast pace he had on the way here. He would cross, the muse-greenhill border, then campout there, because, sinse there were soldiers around, no one would attack him in his sleep. Also, in Coronet, he would Sleep, effectively letting him sleep in darkness during his whole trip. He then thought of his supplies. He had more than enough. And sinse both here and in Coronet the inns would have food. He then drifted off to sleep.

He woke up early in the morning, knowing he was on a tight schedule. He payed the innkeeper in advance for his breakfast, and noticed he had 4,500 potch. He must have gotten some potch from the fight with the two mailmen. He sat down and ate, then went to the stables.

"Hi Eden, how are you?" he said, making sure no one else was around. "Ready to leave for Coronet?"

"Yes," Eden replied, "lets go." So Simone mounted Eden and slowly trotted towards the lake. He saw a man and a boat, and walked over to him.

"Hello, Sir," Simone spoke politely. "Can you take me and my horse to Coronet?"

"Hmm, well... yes," the sailor replied in a gruff voice, "but it'll cost you 3,000 potch."

"3,000 POTCH!" Simoen screamed in his mind.

"It really is a GOOD price," SHER said.

"I know," Simone thought back, still thinking, "3,000 POTCH!" He then said to the sailor, "Sure, but we need to leave now. And you need to get us there QUICKLY." The sailor just nooded, took the 3,000 potch Simone handed him, and got the boat ready. Simone dismounted, and walked alongside Eden into the boat. Eden layed down, and got some much needed TRUE relaxation. and Simone sat on the floor. "Well," he thought, "you probably heard my thinkings, and what do you think?"

"Well..." SHER replied, "if you guesed the time it will take to travel right, and no unexpected occurences happen, it should be fine." Simone then was silent, and just contemplated, especially about the Unicorn Brigade, the were ONLY CHILDREN!

In about 9 hours, the boat was at Coronet. Simoen was happy because he was still running on schedule.

As he left, he nodded goodbye to the sailor, and said to Eden, "Eden, come on." Eden got up from his nap, wich had obviously refreshed him. As they left, he said to her, "We have to ride to the Muse-Greenhill checkpoint tommorow, I need you to get me there by night fall, are you up to it?"

"OF COURSE!" Eden Vigirously replied. "The Unicorn blood which runs through my veins allows me to push myself more. It will be fine."

"And what of the ride to greenhill the next day?" Simone inquired.

"I will manage," Eden answered, "but once in Greenhill, let me rest."

"Fine," Simone replied. "Now lets go!" So he mounted Eden, and they sped off North-West, hoping for the best. They met no real chalenges, because the monsters didn't really wanted to attack the strange blur. Finally, they got to the border and were let through, to the releif of both. And the trip had taken them 12 hours, which meant that they had time to sleep without light. "Thank you Eden," Simone told his horse. "Riding such a magnificent animal is an honor. And think, tomorrow, we will have FINALLY have made it to Greenhill. But are you sure your okay?"

"You are a truly kind, hard to come by man, Simone," Eden spoke. "And I like that you are worried about me, but yes, I WILL make it to Greenhill. Just let me rest when we get ther, OK?"

"Fine," Simone replied. So they set up camp (with the supplies Simone had brought), and had a fitting dinner. Eden layed down, near the tent, and wnt into a deep sleep, and so did Simone.

Simone, like usual, got up early that morning.

"WAKE UP, EDEN!" he told the horse. "Today is the last day of our journey!"

"WONDERFUL!" Eden replied. "LETS GO!" So Simone packed up everything, mounted Eden, and sped off. Today, Eden seemed more exited. Instead of his usual very fast pace, he ran at top speed, eager to end the quest. Simone lowered his head, avoiding the windstream created by Eden's fastest run.

"Isn't he great!" Simone thought.

"Yes," SHER replied, "Eden is quite a horse." The rest of the trip was spent in silence, because it was hard to think when Eden ran like this.

"Wow," Simone thought, "Eden SURE CAN RUN!"

"You can say that again!" SHER replied. Eden just sped off and off, heading North West West towards Greenhill. No monsters attacked, many because they were afraid of the speeding blur. Soon, in what Simone noted to be a miraculous 5 hours of riding, they were at the beginning of Grenhills entance path.


"You are too, Somone," Eden replied. "Now I'm just glad I can rest."

"A JOB WELL DONE SIMONE!" SHER told him. And with that, they got on the path and started walking towards the entrance...

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"Simone" and "Lepant" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on December 13, 1999
This author no longer writes for Simone