"Adlai's Crazy Invention" Slowly, Simone reminiced about his parents, Suku-Suku Suk, and Nuku-Nuku Nuk. He was sad that he had to kill him, but his parents had to be avenged. He was still wondering how to open the box, when he remembered hearing about an inventer in South Window. He could try and get him to open it, yes, that would work. Suddenly, Simone dissapeared into a blue light, then reapeared, but not in South Window, but in Radat! He suddenly felt a electric spark in his left hand. "Darn! That cost me a bundle! Oh well!" said a mad Simone. He headed over to the Runemasters shop and got it removed, and then sold it's charred remains for all the money he could get. "well, to South Window it is," an annoyed Simone spoke. As fast as he could, which was about a week and a half, he traveled to South Window, effectively killling all monsters to cross his path, helping him get some money. Once there, he rented a room and contemplated. "This Adelie, I wonder if he'll charge anything..." simone thought, "... oh well, it'll be worth it." That night, he dreamed that Nuku-Nuku Nuk came back, stronger than ever. That day, he woke up feeling refreshed after the long journey to South Window. He payed the inn keeper, and sat down and ate an especially large meal. As he left, he hoped Adelai could really help. As he entered what he thought to be Adlai's house, he noticed weird "machinery". "Hello, stranger," Adlai spoke to the incoming Simone, "I'm Adlai, whats your name?" "I'm Simone. Nice to meet you," spoke Simone, with his usual politeness. "I need to see if you can open this box for me." "Disturbing me, just to open a box! How dare he!" an angere Adlai thought. "Oh well, I can always test out my latest invention on him." "Fine, but only if you help me test out my latest invention," Adlai spoke, with what Simone could've sworn to be a grin on Adlai's face. "Fine," Simone spoke, exited at getting his parents present. Slowly, he gave the box to Adlai. "I know just what the matter is, dirt build up," Adlai spoke, stifling a laugh. He just to a large knife, and scraped off the top, then said, "We had a deal, so let me get it out." Simone then felt like he had a bad feeling about this and thought, "What could this invention be?" Adlai then came in with a human-looking thing that looked like, Nuku-Nuku Nuk! He suddenly asked, "WHAT IS THIS?!" "About one week ago, I found a dead man near Gregminster. So I took his iving parts, including his brain, and some of his tissue, and made what I call a 'robot'. I hope he can serve his same purpose, just almost ten times stronger in almost every aspect, so I want you to help me ask it questions, and do everyday things with it," Adlai said this very enthusistically, but this whole thing made him worry. Suddenly, it was all clear to him, and he said, "NO! If he serves his purpose, he will be an e- but was cut off when the robot lurched to life-YOU OLD FOOL! NOW HE WILL TRY TO KILL ME!!!!" At this Adlai went pale, he had thought this man had died to attackers, not had been a killed attacker, if what this man said was true... THEN HE NEEDED TO LEAVE! Quickly, he went to his back door, and jumped into a fast moving "vehical" with wheels, the robot was now Simones worry. Simone looked for Adlai, but realized that Adlai must have fled when he realized that this was an evil person. "Simone, I'M BACK!!!!" Robo-Nuk said, charging at Simone, Simone barely dodging the robo-Nuks speed. Robo-Nukus momentum caried him straight through the wall, and near some people. He was about to slash one of them, but Simone intervened, hoping that Shapsody really was blessed so that it could ne be broken... and it stayed together, though Simone felt the strength of the attack, but what Simone didn't expect was that Robo-Nuk was shocked back. "OF COURSE!" simone thought. "The Thunder rune in Rhapsody must have taken affect, and his robot body must be weak to it. But before I can win, I need to get our battle out of the city." He then yelled "SCOLDING!" and hit Robo-Nuk, barely hurting it, but making it forget about the other people, and go for him, he then took off, going as fast as he had ever in his life. "OH NO, SIMONE! YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME!" Robo-Nuku said. "This body is so strong, and IT WILL BE YOUR DEMISE!" with this, he was off, going amazingly fast after Simone. As he ran, Simone thought about how he could win and thought, "Charm Arrow can hurt him, Scolding can enrage and distract him, Scream can heal me or any casualties, and Yell can revive those who are killed by him. But to win, I need to find his weakness, and hit him only there, that way, he could win. Now what main HUMAN parts did he still ha- but was interupted by the sound of Robo-Nuks blade slicing through the air, and he immidiately countered it by going inside it's range, jumping high, dodging a punch, then comung down on his head with his sword. As it struck, sparks flew as the Thunder rune took effect, but instead of just a little reeling, this blow sent Robo-Nuk, who had been in the beggining of a jump, crashiing into the ground, creating a huge crater. "OF COURSE!" Simone thought. "THE BRAIN IS THE SAME, AND IT IS IN THE HEAD! The Thunder strikes hit it, and Charm Arrows could hurt his head badly. But this still isn't going to be easy, because I can't get hit, and I have to hit him." Just as Simone reached outside of South Window, he heard a loud sound, and turned around to see Robo-Nuk almost fifty feet in the sky, coming straight towards him, with maddening rage in his eyes. But when it was around ten feet away from Simone, Simone yelled, "CHARM ARROWS!" and six beams of concentrated holy light shot at Robo-Nuks head, hiting him while he was almost one foot away. The intensity of the blast at such a close rang sent both of them hurtling back, Robo-Nuk being thrust back into the air, still bogghled be the attack. Taking this oppertunity, Simeone yelled, "SCREAM!" and the ressurection rune rang out, and healed Simone. Suddenly, a lod thump was heard, and simone felt a shockwave in the earth, and was thrust back. Simone, just being healed, though hit by the shock wave, got up and ran towards the new crater. He yelled, "CHARM ARROWS!" and the six beams shot out, but instead of ducking for cover, he dove for Robo-Nuks now rising head, keeping an aerodynamic position, with Rhapsody clutched tightly in his hand. As the arrows hit, Robo-Nuk was hurt again, and was stunned some more, but Simone was barely thrust back because of his aerodynamic postition. He then landed, and charhed for the crater, but was horrified when Robo-Nuk got out. Then the two swords almost clahed, but Simone did the same trick, btu this time Robo-Nuk wasn't so out of control, and regained control, but not before Simone had hit his head. He was reeling in what looked like, PAIN?!?! Simone took advantage of his initiative, and tried to srtike again, but was hit bu a kick from Robo-Nuk, and flew almost fifty feet, and miracuosly lived, when he realized that there was only one way to win. As he charged at Robo-Nuk, and Robo-Nuk charged at him, he yelled, "RESSURECTION RUNE, I CALL UPON ALL YOUR POWER, AND FOR YOU, SIMULTANEOUS WITH MY ATTACK, DESTROY HIM WITH ALL YOUR POWER!!!!" When they met, they both swung, and instead of ducking, Simone took Robo-Nuks full blow to his left arm, but delivered the strongest bblow he had ever done to Robo-Nuks head, and simultaneous with Simone's stike, both the Thunder rune, and the Ressurection rune both let out their full power. A blinding white with some yellow light shone, and Robo-Nuk was incinerated, but Robo-Nuk had still done his damage. After all the exertion, and taking Robo-Nuks full blow, he would have died, but the ressurection rune's attack on Robo-Nuk had some healing power, and kept him barely alive. Knowing that Nuku-Nuku Nuk was dead, and hos parents were now acctually avenged, he blacked out. He woke up to see four people around him, obviously doctors. "Hello," one doctor said, "how are you feeling?" "Well... BAD!" Simone burst out. "Well, your fine, though I don't know how. Many people saw the spectacle between you and that monster, and one of them saved you when it was over, and you had fainted," the same doctor said. "We are just amazed that you beat that thing. We think you were saved by the ressurection rune on your right hand." "How long have I been asleep?" Simone asked. "Five days," another doctor answered. Simone delt for the box, and his sword, and asked, "WHERE IS MY STUFF!" "Mr. Verdricci! they are fine! Now rest!" the oldest doctor scorned. "How can I look beautiful without my things?!" and angry Simone asked. "Help me, and then letbme go!" So for the next two days, Smone was treated by the docters, until he was in perfect health, then practacally was given his belongings, then kicked out. He then looked at the box his parents had given him, and noticed what looked like his rose brooch, HIS ROSE BROOCH! He then put his own up to it, AND IT OPENED. He then went to the Runemasters shop, and engraved it. He was happy about figuring out his parent's present's, but was still melancholy from the previous events. oh well, it just prooved how powerful he really was. He then walked to...