Gilbert and Seed Chapter 9
(Plains of Highland/Zexen)

"Alright men, listen up. If for some reason Highland and the City-State are forced into an armed conflict, I want to be ready for them. Remember, as one of the kings soldiers, each and everyone of you represent our kingdom in battle. We shall not be bested by a bunch of rabble like the City-State!" General Seed announced to the company of soldiers that stood in front of him, the soldiers cheered. "Continue with the training maneuvers," he commanded. The soldiers disperesed and continued with their training. At that moment Krugan came walking up to him.

"Nice speech," he said in a low tone voice. Seed turned away from the soldiers and faced Krugan. "Is that all you are going to say? Nice Speech? I spent the better part of last night comming up with that." Krugan smirked and turned his head to an approaching soldier.

"Lord Seed, Krugan. I have a message for you, the mercenary leader that we hired has fallen ill." Seed raised his arm to cut him off, he then reached into his pocket where he kept a list.

"We will need to find a replacement, and quick before his highness or Lord Ruka catch wind of this." Krugan looked at the list and placed his finger on a name.

"What about him?" Krugan asked.

"He has at least half a dozen victories to his name, I agree. The only problem is that he is currently in Zexen."

"Well you just voluntered, I'll finish the training maneuvers here and you take two soldiers and recruit him."

Seed nodded, "Tch, very well." He waved to two soldiers that were dueling. "Lieutenant Pao and Captain Alton, you are to come with me to Zexen."

The two men nodded, "Yes, Lord Seed."

The three men mounted their horses and rode off.

<Meanwhile in Zexen>

Gilbert swung his sword at the oak tree. With that one swift swing, the bark split, and the tree made a large cracking sound. It collapsed to the ground like a fallen soldier.

Forthoro came running out with a chef hat on her head, "Jesus Christ Gilbert! You're making so much noise out here i can't even cook YOU breakfast!"

Gilbert didn't look up from the downed tree, "Uh..."

"Ugh!" Forthoro said, "Impossible, I swear!" And she stomped back into the house. Gilbert continued to look down at the tree. He didn't move at all. The wind blew through his hair and caused a ruslte so slight, that it's hard to notice. He swung his sword multiple times and then, after the cloud of dust settled, there was no tree.

Gilbert then heard something in the background. It sounded like the mayor of Zexen yelling, "Hey! You can't go back there! Hey!" Then all of the sudden, a man in white and red armor, and to other soldiers in blue armor rode up to Gilbert. They were obviously Highlanders.

"Hi there. My name is General Seed, and I would like to make you an offer you could never refuse."

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"Gilbert", "Krugan", "Seed", and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on February 15, 1999