Sasuke and Millie Chapter 3
"To Every Story there is a Beginning"

Foreboding and seemingly majestic in the deep-dark twilight of predawn, the shrouded ninja, wrapped in many layers of violet, lavender, burgundy and shade, speckled with a blood red that would never betray wounds to any adversary he faced, Master Hanzo stood upon the pedestal. His soulful eyes, unemotional and yet containing a deepness of understanding, cunning and wit, bore down upon the two teenage offenders, studying them, analysing them.

Nothing is ever simple when it comes to Master Hanzo, noted the more worried of the offenders, Even to Mondo, Hanzo-sensei is an enigma without an answer.

The boy-ninja's mind trailed off, he wondered what made Master Hanzo the character he was now. For some reason, he was reminded of the cast-off lone wolf, Kage, when he looked at his teacher, a connection Sasuke shuddered as he made.

The other prisoner, a more hedonistic looking personage of around fourteen, wasn't concerned at all by the gargantuan presence of the Ninja-Master Hanzo. Indeed, she had barely a clue to what a ninja was, there being no such caste in the Highlands. All that existed in Highland, under the rulership of the Bright family, was a spartican regime of sorts. Stealth had a rare place in society and war was so greatly elevated that even young boys, no older than Millie herself was, were sent to the lines. It wasn't a measure of desperation, it was a necessity of society.

Too bad Loius Napoleon wasn't at all interested in joining the Unicorn Brigade, she pondered. The thought alone of the abnoxious, arrogant, self-centered inhabitant of her unmarked villiage gave her this unease in her stomach and made her weak in the knees, not from any blissful thoughts, but of utter and complete disgust.

The silence in the room continued on, Master Hanzo examining the youth, Sasuke fighting to solve the rubik cube that was Master Hanzo, and Millie lost in thoughts of far-away lands and the handsome knights of Matilda, a necessity, she deemed, to rid herself of the brain-bile that was Loius.

"Mondo, what is the situation with the two offenders?" a voice erupted from the ninja master. Sasuke and Millie were forced on instinct to break away from their thoughts and look to him, washed over again by the authority he commanded.

Straightening, Mondo gave status, "The Highlander stumbled upon our secret recluse and was subdued promptly by Grandmother Tada." he paused, looking from Millie to Sasuke as if to reaffirm his next statement, "The other, trainee ninja, Sasuke, abandoned his post prematurely, thus allowing the situation to escalate to what it is now."

With a nod, Hanzo dismissed Mondo to his former position and addressed, this time, the stranger before him, "In standard proceedure I am to interrogate you. Do you affirm that the information you will give me is truthful, unbiased and without falsehood? Such would be entirely to your benefit."

"I do," Millie stated, reminding herself of the ettiquete lessons she took when she was ten years of age. Sasuke gave her a sidewards glance, amazed at the ability the Highlander possessed to conduct herself with such dignity. She returned him a hollow look, a gaze lined with multiple daggers and a warning which read: You better not be thinking of anything funny, hentai.

The boy-ninja promptly looked away and took the warning to heart, remembering well the burn his cheeks had experienced prior to their assembly here.

"Very well then," Master Hanzo stated, beginning his array of questions, Millie giving him all the answers she could, to the best of her abilities. The questions were nominal, inquisitions to how she had found herself here, why she was in the region and other related nik-nak. He was unaffected by the retelling of the tale about the beady-eyed yellow freckled groundhog, an unanimated statue of ears, listening and digesting.

"Can I be released now?" Millie inquired once the questions ceased their probing, "I'm obviously not a spy and I'm just out looking for Bonaparte."

"In due time, I have yet to question this one and then, afterwards, I have something I wish to inform you of before I give you leave." came the reply, a cold statement as devoid of life as the person who uttered them.

Not wishing to press further, Millie kept silent and waited patiently for Sasuke, as she now knew him to be named, to be mettled out the punishment he deserved. I wonder if perverts are stoned here..., she allowed her mind to stray.

"Ninja-trainee Sasuke, ward of Mondo, citizen of Rokkaku," boomed Matser Hanzo, "Do you know why you are here?"

A nervous jittery voice squeaked from the boy-ninja, "Y-y-yes, I do, Hanzo-sensei, I neglected my duty as watch and allowed a stranger to enter Rokkaku..."

"Are you aware as to why we have the precaution of watchers?"

"Because three years ago Rokkaku was burnt to the ground by our enemies," Sasuke couldn't take the stress much further, squishing around his palms behind his back, he felt the pores release a wave of sweat, not as large, however, as the one forming alongside his head.

"Do you know what I will have you do, as a result?"

Sasuke was lost, he had never heard of the punishment for the crime he had committed. Just my luck to be the first one to be caught, he sighed, "No, sensei, I am not aware."

A smile emerged from the face shroud of Master Hanzo, or at least what Sasuke imagined as a smile. It was a twisted distortion of cloth, gruesome and hideous. The boy-ninja knew instantly that he didn't like the smile, much less what his imagination led him to believe what would follow afterwards.

"You will accompany our guest, Millie of the Highlands, in her search for this strange creature and then, when you have accomplished that task, I am in need of a correspondence in the City-State of Jowstone."

Neither Sasuke or Millie could believe what they just heard. In complete unison, their voices exploded, "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!"

I knew I was going to get punished for this... but... why this? This is too cruel, this is too harsh, Hanzo-sensei truly has no heart!

He's joking, right? He's got to be joking... travelling with this ecchi hentai?! Oh, why couldn't I have stayed home, I could have led a happy existance without coming here but now I am to be defiled by the eyes of an immature *younger* man.

It's all because of that stupid groundhog, Sasuke thought.

This is all your fault, Bonaparte, why couldn't you have gone to Matilda where I could have at least been stuck with a handsome knight on a white horse..., Mille lamented.

"I think it should be good for the two of you, an experience to be remembered," Master Hanzo commented, "And, with the passing of sentence, this trail is adjourned. You are all free to leave."

The sky turned a brilliant keliedoscope of color, forcing both Sasuke and Millie to glance towards it. Dawn was breaking and the sight was breathtaking in the mountain mist. Not unlike home, thought Millie as she turned back to Master Hanzo. Surprisingly enough, the master ninja had vanished, leaving behind no trace that he was actually there.

"Well, kids, it looks like you two are off to a marvelous adventure!" Mondo greeted, stepping out from his postion against the wall, "She may not be a Kasumi, Sasuke, but it seems you took a liking to her in that cell, eh?"

Sasuke balled his hand into a fist, allowing his anger to boil and disapate, "Put a sock in it, Mondo."

With a shrug and a gleeful smile, he turned to Millie and bent over to meet her on her level, "And you, young miss, anything you wish to request of our tiny hamlet before you leave?"

Giving a genuine smile, losing all thoughts of hentai's and the prospect of travelling with one, Millie glowed with enthusiasm as she stated her request happily, "I want cool looking ninja clothing!"

Sasuke and Mondo looked at each other, sweatdrops forming. The boy-ninja, so caught up with how kawaii she looked at that moment gave a sheepish grin and replied, "S-s-sure, I can get you one."

"Arigatoo!!!" Millie launched herself at him, hugging him and giving him a peck on the cheek. With a bounce to her step and a spring to her stride, she strolled out the main door, leaving Mondo and Sasuke following her to their gaze and finally looking to one another.

Mondo smiled an all-knowing smile as he viewed a beat-red Sasuke.

The boy-ninja gave an annoyed growl and stormed off after Millie, or more away from Mondo, thinkning all the way how he felt slightly tingly all over. Then, to show his guardian that he wasn't the least bit affected by what had just happened, he muttered in contempt, "Why me?"

He wasn't sure if he was trying to convince Mondo with his comment or himself.

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I'm on the top, ha ha, hentai!
That doesn't sound right
"Sasuke", "Millie" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on October 27, 1999
This author no longer writes for S&M