Sasuke and Millie Chapter 10.5
"Blue Suede Shoes"

I can't believe this! Millie exclaimed mentally, looking at her tied-up self in the mirror, garbed totally in the white robes of a virgin to be wed, This dress makes me look fat!

She tilted the chair from side to side, taking a look at the dress carefully and under scrutiny, forgetting the ceremony around her.

"Oh, by the power invested in my blue suede shoes!" exclaimed the pastor, a man dressed in a white suit, blue suede shoes and greasy hair that looked somewhat like a bad toupee, "I am ga-lad to have you both here today in this lovely town of Los Vegas, the wedding capital in the JoOOwston City State! We are unaffected by the war, all you pretty mamas, as I show you now... a wedding in our fair town by two Highland love birds!"

The illuminati smiled, he was fixing the stray of fate the head had told him about - and was glad that he had changed his mind about interferring... in fact, he would protect this mending of fate to the extent that he would stop all who would make the wedding fail to happen.

"STOP THIS WEDDING!!" a voice sounded from the back door.

Millie turned and, upon seeing Sasuke, instinctively thought, Idiot.

Kage hid his face in his hands, shaking his head sourly, Idiot.

The illuminati faced this obstacle, looking at the young boy that had just bellowed the words he did not wish to hear, Idiot.

Napoleon darted his rat shaped face and quickly drew a six-inch craft knife from his boot, "Idiot! You will not stop my wedding! O', lap dog servant of my love, I will smite thee for this insolence!"

Sasuke arched an eyebrow and took a look at the wimpy craft knife, drawing his own two-foot ninja-to, Idiot.

Kage lept over Sasuke, letting his own blade emerge from the folds of his ninja garb, "Idiot Illuminati, stop this mad course! You threaten fate with your over-meddling."

The accused raised a hand, revealing a greater rune, "Idiots! It is you who meddle in the affairs of the Illuminati! You shall all fail!"

Millie watched in disgust as the battle ensued forth. Shards of the temple flew around the place on the command of the illuminati, each narrowly dodged by both ninjas. Napoleon was trying to hit something with his knife, unable to make it connect to anything except for a few stray air molecules.

"Take that!" he lunged into the air.

Sasuke made a face and struck the craft knife with his blade, causing it to break.

"That is nothing!" Napoleon exclaimed, "This knife has more than one blade!" He flipped it back into the knife and popped it out again, a new blade appearing.

"You are right!" Sasuke retorted, "It is nothing!" He broke the craft knife again.


New blade.


Broken blade.

"Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!"

Millie's eyes narrowed. They all are such idiots, she groaned inwardly, Isn't _someone_ going to stop all this madness?

"Now, lay low, lil' missy," came an overly stressed and extremely fake impersonation voice, "I'll be doing something that you'll not be wanting to see."

The Highland girl looked in the direction of the voice, shocked to see who it was standing there with a large guitar.

"Ho-ho-hooold on there, hound dogs! If you wanna be doing the jailhouse rock, you ain't about to do it in the great temple of the Blue Suede!"

A large, resounding, cheer from the crowd outside with a near cult-like chant of 'Elvis' 'Elvis' following.

"So, I suggest you all place down your weapons or I'll begin to play you my worst musical piece ever!"

The illuminati arched a brow, "And that would be...?"

A strum on the guitar. "Oooooh, can't you save my heart, my achy breaky heart..." came the fake impersonator voice devoid of any form of tune.

Hands went for ears instantly but the crowd outside cheered again.

Millie screamed.

"HELP ME!" she yelled, "I CAN'T COVER MY EARS!!"

As if on command, both Sasuke and Napoleon rushed towards her, finally fighting over who would cover her ears. This resulted in a large blade fight again.


Broken blade.


New blade.

"QUIT IT!!" she screamed, "Both of you!"

"But love..." began Napoleon.

"Shove it, Napoleon!"

The youth instantly fainted, his swoon leading him to hit the hard wooden floor with the words "she said my name" upon his ratly lips.

Sasuke looked down at Napoleon, made a face, then looked again at Millie in her wedding dress.

"You know," he commented, "That dress makes you look good..."

"It makes me look fat, dingbat," Millie retorted.

The ninja tilted his head, walked around Millie three times before she kicked him in the leg, sending him on the floor.


"For eyeing me up, pervert, now untie me."

"Do I have to?" he whined.



"Just do it."

Obediantly, Sasuke untied Millie hurriedly - not wishing to be known as a bondage S&M freak, whatever that was... something told him that it was an advanced form of pervert but he wasn't quite sure, "What's S&M?"

Millie gave him a look, a long stare, then an exasperated glance, "It means Sasuke and Millie, idiot."

"Really?" his face lit up instantly.

"NO!" she glared, "It means Sadomasochist! Which, incase you aren't familiar, means-"

A voice interrupted, "Excuse me, children."

Both heads turned to find the illuminati standing behind them.

"I really, really am sorry..." he began, "Seems like I had made a mistake... it really should be Sasuke and Millie-"

"No, it's Sadomasochist!" Sasuke piped, earning a sock in the head from Millie and a kick in the shin.

The illuminati paused, "I don't know WHAT you young people get into nowadays but that really isn't my business... what I meant was that it should be Sasuke and Millie on the tablet of ages... not Millie and Napoleon..."

"What's the tablet of ages?" Millie asked, anxiously.

"Eh?" the illuminati asked, beginning to blur, "I didn't quite hear you..."

"What's the tablet of ages?"

"EH?" he said before totally vanishing.

Millie's faced soured, "Great."

"Does he mean I'm going to get married to you instead of that Napoleon guy?"

Millie flushed but hid it by kicking Sasuke in the shin, "NO, you idiot, it means something else because I do NOT intend to marry you!"

"I was just asking!" he shot back.

"You were trying to be like that fool," she stomped on Napoleon's head, "And make babies with me, weren't you?!"

"WHAT?!" Sasuke looked away, "Of course not!"

Millie grabbed Sasuke by the scarf and dragged him outside of the temple, each one of them being pelted by raw rice and screams of "Omedetou!" all over.

"If they think we're married, Sasuke, I'm going to burn you on your dingy raft in the middle of Toran Lake... and where the heck is Bonaparte?"

"Eep!" the groundhog eeped, hopping happily along behind the mercenary ninja, having decided he would probably taste like chicken and not roast beef.

"Stay. Away. From. Me." Kage muttered, walking faster and faster.


Once I get my pay, I'm going to try and get as far away from this crazy place as I can and if the next job mentions ANYTHING about those two stupid kids I'm going to...

"Eep!" came the warning as a large gust of air started sweeping the grassy plains...

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I'm on the top, ha ha, hentai!
That doesn't sound right
"Sasuke", "Millie" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on January 15, 2000
This author no longer writes for S&M