Sasalai Chapter 1
(Minaina, capital of Harmonia)

The sun rose over the grassy fields and hills of Harmonia, its brilliance only illuminated by the splendor below it. Scattered homes and shops laid near Minaina, the capital of Harmonia. These buildings led into more elegant homes, inns, restaurants, shops, and temples. In the center of town stood a very elaborate, very large, beautiful temple. Beams of light rushed towards the center of an intricately-crafted stain glass window imbedded into the windowsill of the top spire of the temple, causing the room inside to glow intensely with blinding colors.

The swirl of hues caught the attention of a slumbering boy nestled deeply into the room's sole bed. He sat up slowly, stretching, and yawned. Another day, he thought, brushing his well-combed, chestnut-colored hair out of his deep brown eyes. He pushed the pale blue silken sheets from his body and his thick mattress and slowly crawled out of bed, revealing a long blue robe.

"Your Worship?" a slightly wavering thin male voice called out. He immediately recognized the voice as Emanu, a nervous young priest who had just come to the temple not even a month ago.

"What is it, Emanu?" the boy asked.

"May I enter?"

"Go ahead and do so. It does not bother me."

The door leading to the outside hall creaked open, and a head poked in at about the boy's chest level. A younger man walked in, stooped over so that his head would not be higher than his superior's.

"I ask again. What is it, Emanu?"

Emanu's face broke into a blush at the somewhat harsh words. "A letter has arrived for you." He held out an envelope to him, his arm shaking.

"Is that all?" The boy's face conveyed a look of annoyance and utter revulsion. Someone dared to disturb the High Priest of Harmonia for such a purpose as a letter? Letters could easily be taken care of by the lower-ranking priests.

"But, Your Worship, it is a letter from Highland!"

Highland? he thought. It must be from Agares Bright. He carefully picked up the letter. "Emanu, let me be."

Emanu executed a half-nod, half-bow and backed out of the doorway, gently closing the door.

Upon the man's departure, the boy placed the letter on top of the desk that sat to the right of his bed and decided that it was due time to change into his priestly garb. He stepped into his wardrobe, to the left of the back of his bed, and slipped the robe off of his body, tossing it onto the floor, then he took a blue pair of loose trousers and pulled them up quickly. He next removed his deep blue priest's robe from the hanger and drew it carefully over his head, making sure not to rip the delicate fabric. He picked out a favorite pair of brown boots from his shoes and yanked one over each foot while still standing up. He then took his tall blue priest's hat from the area just above his clothes and placed it gently atop his head, then pushed it downwards so that it would stay in place. He walked out of the wardrobe and looked in the mirror to the right of the wardrobe. His clothes immediately reminded him of what he had been taught on his first day of priesthood: what each mark on the robe and the hat meant. The rather sporadic thought came to him in the form of an older priest's voice.

"Do you see the three white marks on the top of the hat, Sasalai? See how they resemble birds? They are white doves, and they represent the peace and prosperity that Harmonia and the High Priest bring to us. The white insignia upon his chest symbolizes the Beast Rune; you do see it, right, boy? The resemblance is uncanny, is it not? Of course you know that it is no coincidence; it is the High Priest's task to contain and protect the Beast Rune..."

The old man's voice droned on blankly in Sasalai's mind. After that point, Sasalai had not been listening and instead concentrated on the fact that he needed to use the toiletries, and rather soon, too.

Indeed, to this very day, the same markings the ceremonial garb had that day had not faded. The same brown shoulderpads, the same white stripe on the collar, the same yellow trim on the robe, the same white outline on the hat. Everything was the same. It was tradition.

Sasalai walked over to the desk and sat down upon the matching light brown chair. He pulled out a drawer and grabbed a letter opener, then slid the drawer back into place. He poked the blade underneath the flap of the envelope and sliced it open, then he yanked out the letter and unfolded it hastily, reading it intently. He immediately recognized that the handwriting was not that of Agares.

It read:

To Sasalai, the High Priest of Harmonia:

I received a letter from you today regarding the war between Highland and the City-States of Jowston. You claimed that the war would not end, even with the peace treaty being set up. I am inclined to agree with you. Jowston is so hungry for Highland that it will not stop until all is destroyed. I even fear that they may wish for Harmonia.

I only ask that we make a treaty of sorts. If Jowston should attack Highland again, perhaps you could give us some form of aid. However, we shall discuss this matter later.

For the time being, I have sent an ambassador to escort you to L'Renouille so we may discuss matters. He should be arriving very soon after you read this.

Ruka Bright, Prince of Highland

The symbol of Highland, the Beast Rune, the same symbol that Sasalai bore in his own right hand, was etched just below Ruka's name.

That bastard, Sasalai thought with a small smile. He's up to something for certain. Some may compare him to a wolf or another beast, but I see him as spidery, just like his handwriting. Spiders have webs which they use to trap their prey, and then they kill and drain their victims. If he thinks that he'll be manipulating Harmonia... me... he's sorely mistaken. Of course, I will be attending this meeting... but I must be vigilant. He is not getting control of Harmonia. It only happens over my dead body.

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"Sasalai" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted November 4, 1999