"A day in the life of a Kobold" (Tworiver) Sounds of birds singing happily could be heard as the sun shone brightly on the Kobold district of the Jowston City-State Alliance's eastern border city. Two-River. Located on the great lake that cleaved the State in half, the city was known for it's fishing industry and being a hotbed of racial strain. Three races lived in the city, Kobold's, Humans, and members of the Winger clan. In the Kobold's district of the city of Two-River, bordering the grassy plains of the city of Greenhill, life was as busy as ever. Kobold families milled about happily, purchasing needed food and goods, or simply taking a leisurely stroll through the quaint, yet homely miniature village. Store owners peddled their wares to the needy consumers, and as usual, the item shop was full of Kobolds who wanted to sample some of the city's excellent quisine. Kobold soldiers were ready to begin yet another hard day of training, but, the Kobold's army was their pride and joy, so it was simply yet another honored moment of their life that they cherished. They also cherished their leader, General Ridley. He was a great Kobold..perhaps the greatest. He was renowed by all in Two-River, both as the General and leader of the Kobold district, and as one of the three parlimentary heads within Two-River's Triple House government, and as the city's military General. Ridley , you could say, was the pride and joy of all Kobold's within the city of Two-River, perhaps all of the City-State. A loud yawn passed through the quaint house that served as General Ridley's home. "Today is yet another day of military and governmental duty", Ridley thought to himself as he climbed out of bed," but it is not something I dread. As the general of Two-River's military, and leader of the Kobold district, it is something I cherish." Ridley started to get dressed, slipping into the Military uniform he always wore. A green over-coat, with long leather boots, a white scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, baggy black pantaloons designed to alow him free movement on the battlefeild and protection in combat, and a black undershirt with reinforced leather studds. He reached down and strapped on his broadsword, still resting snugly in it's scabbard, to his hip, tightening the belt to enshure it stayed in place. Finally dressed,Ridley walked to the kitchen and hugged his wife, kissing her cheek lightly to say 'good morning'. "Hello Emily my dear," he began with a smile, "my.. what's for breakfast? Whatever it is it smells wonderful." His wife returned the hug and smile."Boar Steak with fruit and eggs dearest.. I knew you would need a good breakfast, because you have to instruct the younger Kobold warriors in swordsmanship today." She walked to the table in the center of the house, setting two steaming plates of food down on the wooden surface. Ridley had a seat with his wife, and began to eat his meal, all the while wondering how his wife kept so abreast of his personal affairs. Well, she had forgotten he was also to meet with the true head of Two-River City, well, at least it's representative, Lord Makai, who lived in the Human Distict.But that would come after he instructed the young warriors, because Ridley cared more for his own people than for being polite to Makai. Ridley didn't dispise Humans..he only distrusted them. His father had been betrayed by humans, and Ridley was determined he would not suffer the same fate.Well..it was time to begin his day, he thought to himself as he rose from the table and thanked his wife for the lovely breakfast. Making shure he had not forgotten anything, Ridley strolled out into the sunshine, as his wife walked to the wash basin to begin her dialy chores. "Everyone I want you to pay attention to what I have to say!" barked Ridley in his deep, gruff voice, "today I will instruct you in inter-personal combat using a sword. Now, a skilled warrior is not determined by size or strength, but by heart and skill! So we must continue to train hard! And remember, the pride of the Kobolds of Two-River will one day rest on your shoulders, so watch what I do closely and pay attention!" Ridley walked off the platform he stood on as a cresendo of "Yes Sir's!" flowed through the youthful Kobold troops watching him so intently. He stopped in front of a straw practice dummy used for training in combat techniques, as the youthful Kobold's kept their eyes set on him. Reaching to his side, Ridley slowly slid his broadsword from it's scabbard with an audible 'click' and held it silently in front of himself. The young Kobolds watched with well baited breath as their leader simply stood, sword drawn, staring intently at the dummy, afraid that if they blinked, they would miss his demonstration. Suddenly, Ridley barked and charged forward, slicing his sword through the neck of the practice dummy , bowing forward slightly as the dummy's head landed on the ground with a dull thunk, cleaved cleanly from it's 'shoulders'. Turning, yet keeping his gaze set on the straw head of the dummy for a few moments, Ridley sheathed his broadsword, then turned and faced the young Kobolds who gaped at their commanding officer in awe, or perhaps just shock at seeing such graceful movements from a tall, somewhat bulky Kobold warrior. "Now," he began again," I want you all to begin practicing just what I demonstrated! If you can master the basics of swordsmanship, then all of you can become great Kobold warriors like your forefathers before you! Now begin!" The young Kobolds rushed to fetched their swords and begin another hard day of training, but Ridley knew it would pay off someday,..and he was shure they knew it too. Several hours later, Ridley noticed that the sky was turning a deep purplish-orange shade, and the clouds were beginning to turn a rainbow of red's and yellow's, indicating that dusk was setting in. The youthful Kobolds had all went home to rest after a hard days training, but there was no rest for Ridley, not yet..he had a meeting to go to. Swallowing his obvious disgust at having to rely on help from Humans so much, Ridley walked to the bridge that connected the Kobold and Winger districts, silently cursing along the way. "One day the Kobolds of Two-River will have the honor they deserve." he thought to himself bitterly, as he passed by a pair of saluting Kobold guards. But there would be time for such thoughts later, he had an appointment to keep. And Ridley was almost as good a diplomat as he was a General.