Pico Chapter 4
"Black and White"

Awaken by the sun tingling his face as its rays penetrated through the window above his bead and the chirp of birds in the tree outside the inn Pico got up and started to get dressed.

"This is gonna be a great day!," he thought.

After he had put on his boots and black pants, buttoned up his white shirt, and combed his hair just perfectly, he went downstairs and went out into the courtyard.

"I feel like taking a nice walk, might as well check out the city if I'm gonna be here a while," he said to himself.

He passed the item store, the appraisal shop, the armor shop, and finally made it to a gigantic building that seemed to be held up by these giant marble pillars.

"Whoa, Capital Building is huge, but what would you expect for this being the capital of the City-State," he said in awe.

He started to walk down the steps that lead up to this giant building, but when he finally reached the bottom step, he was hit by something...HARD.

"What the hell!!!," Pico yelled as he fell to the ground, "Who do you think you are running into me like that?!?!"

He gazed up to see a blond haired woman with a long white cape, with her hood held tightly around her face.

"I'm sorry," the woman said, "my name is Elza, i'm running away from someone..." She paused. "There he is! I'm really sorry take this. Please don't tell him anything about this incident."

Elza gave Peco 100 potch. She ran away without another word. Within seconds the man chasing the woman in the cape made his way to Peco. He was tall, and wore a long black cape. He had blonde hair which barely showed out from under his hood.

"Where did she go?" the man asked.

Peco was silent.

"Where is she, where is Elza!!??" the man yelled.

Peco said nothing. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Elza climbing to the top of a house next to the city wall. She got to the top, judged her distance, and jumped over the wall.

"Is see you will be no help," the man said.

The black caped man left as fast as he had appeared. Pico brushed the dirt off his clothes, and went back to the inn to clean off. It was almost time for his date.

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"Pico" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on July 9, 1999