Pesmerga Chapter 6

The thunderous sound of the horses hooves, the dull cracking of the carriage wheels, the sob of the small girl clutched in his arms, the screams of her family, the rapid pounding of his own heart , those were the sounds that filled Pesmerga's ears.. that wailed around him, chilling him to the very core of his tortured soul. He was curled up in a ball, in the middle of the street, trying to protect a little girl who looked very much like his little sister Tanya... Pesmerga knew if he moved, she would die...and if he didn't..well.he would be in for a massive amount of pain. But he could not leave couldn't leave Tanya..."BUT SHE'S NOT TANYA!" his mind screamed, he knew she wasn't the same girl as his little sister..she could'nt be! But he could not will his body to move, even an inch. He just kept praying he could protect her..

The horse-drawn carriage drew ever closer, as rivers of sweat barreld down Pesmerga's back. He gritted his teeth and pulled the girl against his body, trying to cover her up completely in his armored frame. Then..the horses ran into him...and went through him as if he didn't even exist.....he felt a cold chill fire through him as the horse-drawn carriage passed through him and the girl..and kept right on going, straight toward the city hall. "What the..?" Pesmerga jerked up..gaping a little as the horses and the carriage just winked out of existence.. Sudenly...the entire city and all it's population began to bend and warp..untill finally. only Pesmerga and the little girl were left standing, in the middle of a grassy plain. Cold, bitter laughter began to echo across the country side, and he instantly recognized the voice as Yuber's. Pesmerga looked down to check on the little girl, but she just kept sobbing...untill she looked up at him with solid crimson eyes...her sobs turning into the same cold laughter that echoed across the hills of the Muse territory. The little girl flew upwards, out of the hands of her horrified protector, and exploded into a million shards of bone and flesh. Her body was replaced by a flash of dark light..that began to solidify in a more human form..Pesmerga recognized the shape of the persons armor instantly... "YUBER!!!!!"

The blonde haired Dark Knight turned slightly and stared at the man he had once called friend...and gave him a grim, sickeningly evil grin. "Ha...hehe...heh....HA..HA HAHAH! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HOOO HOO HO HAHAHAHAHEHEHEEHEHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHO!!!!!!!" Yuber took a step backwards as the fit of vile laughter washed over him,.." Pesmerga you simple fool... you were always so sickeningly easy to manipulate!!!!! It seems the Illusionary powers of my Illusion Rune were too much for your...simple mind." Yuber knew the last comment was un-necassary..but he so loved to rub it in. "Shut up coward.." Pesmerga snapped back, rising to his feet and un-sheathing King Crimson," You sadistic coward!! To scared to face me without your stupid Illusions Yuber!?" Yuber turned slightly, slipping his own dark-bladed sword, Deathglaive, from the sheath across the back of his hip. "Hah....of course not..Pesmerga..i've come here to finish this.. you plans require me to be able to move freely into I may aquire the powers of the Beast Rune..I have heard that the current High Preist of Harmonia...has..'given' it to the Blight family of Highland. You have been a thorn in my side for too long," Yuber raised his sword slightly and glared," and now it is time to pluck you out!"

Pesmerga grinned and readied King Crimson, the Rage Rune embued in it's blade glowing a bright blood red. "You are a fool cannot control the Beast Rune! It is to wild!...And besides.. your eagerness to finish me off will prove to be your see, I have learned many tricks scince we last fought, and I will be the victor in THIS battle..'old friend'." He could feel his blood begin to race through his veins, he would finally have the chance to eradicate Yuber once and for all! Pesmerga did his best to stay calm...if he got too excited, Yuber would take advantage of it and turn the battle to his favor. No..Pesmerga was the better of the two at controlling his emotions.. he shut them out, once again turning to the cold darkness of emotionless feeling...numbness...and embraced it lovingly. The grim smile on his face turned to a look of stone-hard determination.. The runes of the two men began to shine brightly, etching themselves into the night sky..warning the world that the battle was to begin, as a soft wind howled across the plains..

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"Pesmerga" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on November 1, 1999
This author no longer writes for Pesmerga