Pahn Chapter 4
"Escape from Reality"

It was a few months later. Pahn, and many others, were working hard trying to get a bolder out of the main path that dropped out of nowhere and smashed the main barrier. This was a problem, due to the fact that now the group was now open for an attack from the O.P. (Orphan Patrol) So that has to be fixed imediately. The bolder also block the way of supplies which were smuggled there, so the bolder had to go. While attepting to push the bolder out of the path, which was hard, due to the fact that it weighed about a ton, Pahn was in some deep thought. "Why am I still here? I thought, no I SWORE that I would leave when I was healed, and now here I am trying to get a bolder out of this path?" While the group was catching its breath and getting ready for it's next worthless attept to get that rock out of there, Pahn turned his head to catch a glimps of Angelo walking towards the leader's office. She gave a smile, and Pahn gave one back, and he wasn't the only one. And then she walked into the office, and everyone went back to work.

"You called for me?" "Yes, please come in." The girl who had called for Angelo stood up with her hand behind her back and walked over to her. "How's it going, Angelo?" "I'm fine." Don't be cute with me. You know what I mean." "The barrier", said Angelo, "is just about finished" "And the bolder?" "We are getting there" Billie replied, "We just need time."

Billie frowned. "In about two days, we are going to get our supplies. How is it supposed to get passed that bolder?" She gave a half smile and said,"And before you say another path, the answer is no." Her half smile returned to a frown. "We have no other path, and even if we did, we are vulinable to attacks from the O.P., bandits, and God knows who else wants to try to attack us." She decided to change the subject, Angelo was getting depressed. How's the new boy? "He's a hard worker. I think it's safe to assume that he will contiue to be a big help." "Yes. You convincing him to stay like that was a good plan, I'm impressed. Just remember, it's for the good of the group of everyone we take in here." "It worked before didn't it." A boy then dashed into the office. "Ma’am, we have company."

"Now is not a good time." He said, "It's them." Angelo gave a crooked smile. "They're here a few days early." She started to walk out. She turned to Angelo and said, "Meet me in the usally spot in 10 minutes. We have some guests, and we don't want to keep them waiting. She walked out of the room with the boy following. Angelo was deep in thought. "I'm sorry if I decieved anyone, but if it was to help them... But this boy, did I do it for them or for...." "Angelo", called a voice that interupted her thoughts, "Billie's waiting." Angelo went to join Billie. It was probably the supplies.

When she joined Billie, to her surprise, it wasn't them, it was THEM. The O.R. What the hell were THEY doing here?

Pahn saw some commotion happening and was wondering what was going on. "It must be the supplies.", said one of Pahn's fellow rock pushers "But why all the commotion?" Pahn saw one of the boys flash a signal with his hands.

"Oh shit, what the hell is the O.P. doing here?" Pahn, looked at him. He turned to Pahn. "I take it that Angelo told you who they are." "Yes." "Well anyways, they come every month to harass us. They never try anything though. We think that they would of tried something by now." "But why?"

"I think", he said, that are a threat to them, I don't know why either.

That's something you have to ask Billie." He turned his head to Pahn. "And by the way, I saw how she was looking at you like that. Stay away from her, she's mine." "Who?" "Angelo." was the reply.

When Angelo finally got up to the platform where Billie was, she saw what was going on. Several men in white uniforms were waiting down below.

"They're early." "I know. Relax, they can feel your fear. I've seen it."

One of the men started to talk. "We are here to annouse that the supplies that you desperately need, has been captured, and the driver and the people with him have had their heads cut off." "You're lying.", Billie called back. The man snapped his fingers and one of the men left. A few minutes later he came back with two severed heads. This was too much for Angelo, and she ran off.

Pahn saw Angelo leave and followed her. Something had spooked her, but what?

Billie was not amused by the two heads dangling in the man's hands.

"Recognize them?" Bille then relized that they were two of the people who help them. She put her hand up to her mouth in horror. "So now you know that we are not kidding." Billie frowned. "You wouldn't DARE go that far!"

"Oh but we did. You can't live off that garden and livestock for long, not with that many orphans that you have in there. And you are also running out of medicine too. You might as well surrender to us." "The hell I will!"

"You are a stubborn child, so keep this in mind. Think of orphans and how many will die of hunger and sickness, and we both know that you don't want that." Angelo was trying to hold her temper, and not doing a good job of it either. "We will be back in a few days if you change your mind. See you in a few days." Then they left.

Angelo finished vomiting in the barn, her nerves still half shaken from seeing those two severed heads. Pahn knocked on the barn door and came in.

"Are you O.K.?" "Yeah", she said, "I'm fine." "What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it. Why did you follow me anyways." "I was just concerned." "Thank you." She smiled. "Want to be friends? I know it's a tough life, but you'll get used to it." She turned. "I better see what happened. Pahn, wasn't it. I'll see you later." She ran out of the barn.

Pahn walked out of the barn. He had never had a real friend before, and a girl of all things. The boy's words came back into his head. "And by the way, I saw how she was looking at you like that. Stay away from her, she's mine." They were just friends, he wasn't going to try anything.

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"Pahn" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on April 24, 2000