Pahn Chapter 2
"Escape from Pain"

Pahn's eyes awoke and his eyes focused. Where was he anyways? He felt his head which was now bandaged up and swelled, even though he never remembers being hit on the head. His back hurt like hell still from the whippings he got from the guards. That he remembered. He would be reminded forever with those scars left on his back. He studied the room he was in. It was a plain looking room, with a few photos frames hanging on the wall. It might have been a recovering room, to relax the prisoners before releasing back into the living hell he had been condemed to by his father. He heard a knob turn and a door open. Probaly a guard. Well he would not go to that place. Pahn turned his hands into fists. He would fight or die. He would rather die before going to that place. Then he passed out again.

When he woke up, his father was standing in front of him in front of a lake. "You are a mongral." He picked up Pahn and lifted him over his head. "And mongrals like you should BE CONDEMMED IN HELL!!!!" And he tossed Pahn into the lake!

Pahn felt himself sinking to the bottom of the lake. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't swim up to the surface because he felt he was being pulled down, as if a bolder was tied to his leg. Then he looked down and saw that a bolder WAS tied to his leg. Before he could wonder how that got tied to his leg, he and the now mysterious bolder, hit the lake's floor. The lake was deeper then Pahn last remembered it. He tried to swim up. No luck. He tried to untie the rope from his leg. No luck. It was like he was condemmed to die in this lake...

"Where is the new boy?" "He's sleeping. He took alot of beatings from those guards. Do we really need him? I mean what if...." "You know we help orphans keep away from that place. Do you really want to know how bad it was there? I know. I escaped from there." But what if he is a spy." I doubt it. Why would the guards be hitting there own man." Silence. "Maybe to make us pity him." "Look, he is not a spy. Poor kid is nearly beaten to death and you have the never to assume...." "I'm just giving my concern." No one needs your concerns. We are helping him. Whether he stays or leaves is his choice, but for now we need to let him rest." "Speaking of that, I have a problem." "With who?" You know darn well who I'm talking about. Why do you..." "Darn?" Yeah, darn, you gotta problem with that." There's nothing wrong with a little swearing ya' know." "Getting back on the subject, I don't know why you let her get away with it." Get away with what?" She drags anyone in who she takes a liking to. She could bring in a spy. When I talked to her, she told me told me to f--- off. Can you believe it?" "She said that to you? Haha!" "It's not funny. I demand satisfaction." Alright, I'll talk to her." "And the boy?" "We'll see." "But..." I told you my answer, damn it! Now get out!" "Thank you." "......."

Pahn had just ran out of air. He thought it was hopeless. He couldn't breathe, he thought this was the end. It felt like being trapped in a dream. He felt around in his pockets....No way! It was his pocketknife! Pahn cut the rope and swam up to the surface. He dropped the knife, but it didn't really matter now. He started to black out. But he was almost there! "Please......give me....enough strength to....make it! He head popped out of the water, but just before he could take a breath, a foot, his father's foot, pushed him back down into the water.

"She is complaining about you again." "I really don't care. Please don't bug me about it." Why does she hate you so much?" "None of your business." "O.K. Just wondering...." "Sorry, I have stuff on my mind." "Just wondering. Hey, you better hurry up, supper is going to start." "I'll be there in a sec. I gotta check something." "You mean someone." "Shut up!" "Geez, sorry. Anyway, don't be late. You know how Billie is when your late." "I know, I'll be there in a sec."

Pahn was pushed down pretty deep in the water. He held on to a rock and watched until his father left. Then, using what strength he had left, he swam back to the surface. He barely made it. He took great gulps of air. But then he looked up and his father had an axe. He lifted it up and brought it down on his son's head.

Then Pahn woke up.

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"Pahn" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on March 26, 2000