Character: Oulan

Personality: Oulan's very confident and caring - two traits that make for a good bodyguard. Too bad she's also loud, too boisterous, and that her temper tends to burn like white phosphorous (i.e. hot enough to etch steel) if somebody *does* make her lose her cool - they don't call that Rune of hers the 'Angry' Dragon for nothing. Some old aquaintances actually speculate that it might be safer to get a *real* dragon mad at you...
(In other words, if some poor ass tries to tick her off and succeeds, any other characters with her will need to pull her off the poor sap before either he dies or she does...)

Rune(s): Angry Dragon

History: Oulan was the daughter of a prominent Matilda family, though they were immigrants from Harmonia. Unlike most Matildan girls, she wanted to *be* a warrior instead of *marrying* one. The Knights wouldn't train her, as much because she was a girl as because she was only seven when she asked, so she picked up lessons on fighting wherever she could. It was a sad irony that one day during Oulan's fourteenth year, her parents were attacked and killed by an assassin (he defeated her Knight father)... who Oulan then beat the stuffing out of, the Angry Dragon Rune appearing on her hand by itself(!). Gorudo had no sympathy for the orphaned girl (upsetting Camus and Miklotov, [Late addition: and especially Alexandra] who may/may not remember her) and she left Matilda. Since then, she's wandered - training, traveling, and discovering a purpose for her life - well, two of them actually. One is being a bodyguard - it pays well, she gets to vent her temper every so often instead of bottling it up, and she gets to protect people, so their families don't go through what she did. The other purpose sprang from her life in Matilda - she's found that females are second-class citizens nearly everwhere, and she means to remedy this, both by example ('Ha, Gorudo, you old fat louse! I'm a woman, and I could be a better bodyguard than any of your men!') and by making changes, if she can manage it, though gathering the political and social backing for that would mean leading or helping a revolution or something similar... As a side note, she's been almost everywhere in both games - Grasslands (once), The Scarlet Moon Empire (once) *and* Toran Republic(twice), Highland, Harmonia, and every City-State member, although she hasn't been back to Matilda since she left...

Starting Position: Forest Village (or wherever Wakaba is)

Special Ability: Fighting Knowledge. If it deals with combat (NOT army battles), she's at least heard of it and has an idea how to use it best or defeat it, because of her training being so broad-based. Unique Runes, Rune Unites, Unite Attacks... she's even heard of the powers of the Shining Shield and Black Blade runes (from the stories of the Highland/City-State war) and the Soul Eater and Star Dragon Sword (from the Liberation War stories.) She could probably pick up any weapon in the game and use it decently - though not expertly...

Weakness: Several, actually. One is she's a bit overconfident, and tends to get in over her head if she's not careful. Another is she's far too easy to goad with insults of the 'You're only a woman,' sort - then she'll get in *way* over her head to dispute those. She's also not cold-hearted enough to be a professional - she plays fair and finds it hard to endanger innocents or those she's guarding, even if that might mean surrendering to an enemy.

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"Oulan" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami
This chapter was posted on November 11, 1999