"Overpowered?" As Muku flew away, his rage rune and thunder rune started vibrating. "WHAT?!?!" MukuMuku said, tired of bad suprises. They started going off! "NO!" Muku said, not wanting to hurt the forest below. Suddenly, a thunderbolt crashed down. Next, some fireballs erupted and headed in all directions. Nect, minor fire-bolts came crashing down from the heavans. "NO! I was right, I CAN'T control the runes! The rage rune alone, maybe, but both are to powerful for me," he spoke sadly, because he liked the Thunder rune. He knew he had to get to a runemaster, fast. Suddenly, a HUGE fireball hit the forest, lighting it on fire. "Blazing Camp must have set them on their destructive course," Muku said, still being sad. Slowly, he saw MUSE! He HAD too get there, fast. He dove down, towards what he thought to be the runemasters hut. AS he went down, a bigger fire-bolt came down. Muku spoke suddenly, "I MUST GET IT REMOVED!" He landed, than ran towards the door, then opening it. He signaled what he wanted but was interrupded by the runemaster. "You can speak. But there is something strabge about you squirrel. You seem like you have a burden of pow- seddenly intterupted by a firebolt-OH MY!" spoke the runemaster. AS he ran towards the runemaster, he said, "GET THIS THUNDER RUNE OFF!" A bolt coming out, creating another hole in the hose. A group was gathered outside by now, watching the strange spectacle, and wandering what the squirrel was saying. The runemaster now said, "SURE! And that'll be 200 pot-but another fire-bolt it the house-ch." Slowly, the runemaster removed the rune, and the action suddenly stopped. Muku handed him the 200 potch, and left for the hole where the door used to be. On his way out, the runemaster said, "Next time you get a rune engraved, make sure you can handle it." "Sure," Muku answered, learning his lesson. "Was that you who did that huge spell last night?" the cloud rang out. The swore that Muku was blushing. But in the middle of the crowd, he fainted after all the action. "OH MY! A must help him!" spoke Annallee, with sympathy for the squirrel. Slowly, she carried the iron clad, cloak clad, and rune clad warrior squirrel. At the inn, she reached in her pocket, and paid the runemaster for one night. "I hope we meet again, and that you can repay the favor," she said, knowing she shold leave, but carried him to the bed first, smiling at the cute warrior squirrel. Jokel, miraculously still alive, still trudged towards muse...