"Earth" (Tinto Region) The two groups groups stared intently across the barren wasteland at each other. One group consisted of Jowston State soldiers in a circle formation. They were surrounding a young little girl, who was accompanied by a rather frail-looking young man who wore glasses and had a rather large nose. In front of them stood the other group, made up of men and women wearing brown jackets, white pants, and rectangular hats. They were wearing the garb of the Karaya tribe's elite soldiers. Some sweat formed on the foreheads of the Jowston soldiers. The only enemy they could see were the Karaya elite in front of them, but they knew that they were surrounded on all sides by other Karaya tribesmen somewhere. They just could not see them. They knew that they had no hope of winning, but they couldn't let these Karayans pass them, and they most certainly couldn't let them have the girl. The leader of the Karaya tribesmen stepped up from behind the elite. To the state soldiers' astonishment, she was a young female. Lucia was expecting their reaction. After all, the entire cesspool of city-states known as Jowston never could militiarize to complete efficiency. Jowston did not have any female commanders. Jowston did not have any female soldiers. Lucia never considered herself to be a feminist, but it was obvious to her and her Karaya tribesmen that it was foolish to leave out half of your entire population in a war when you might need every last life of human power to win. And why did Jowston pass over the female half of their people when recruiting soldiers? Because it was led by a bunch of proud stubborn fools, particularly the leaders of the more militarized city-states, Gustav and Gorudo. They did not want anyone different, not even a member of the opposite sex, to challenge their superiority. Not that Lucia minded. Because again, she wasn't a feminist. It's just that this particular fact worked to Karaya's advantage in a very obvious way. Because in this particular situation, Lucia's female troops made her side outnumber the Jowston soldiers in a ratio of two to one. And the Jowston soldiers knew it. While the Jowston soldiers had their weapons drawn, it was obvious that they did not want to fight. It was evident by the fear in their faces. They were cowards. They did not want to fight, now, but they were definately more than willing to fight less than a decade ago. The people of Tinto were hypocritical idiots. First they think they have the advantage, so they attack. They loot, pillage, plunder, and rape, until they start getting beat back due to their arrogance clouding their judgement. Then they sue for peace, practically begging to stop the fighting. They scream bloody murder and accuse the people of the Grasslands of denying peace because the the people of the Grasslands are blood thirsty barbarians. And then, they are tired of war, and they no longer want to fight. They no longer want to fight?!? It was complete cowardice and nothing less. And why did they want to fight in the first place? They say they are justified. They need the fertile earth of the Grasslands for fields to cultivate food for their people. Fields that they would have had in Tinto if they didn't strip mine all the nutrients and resources out of the soil years ago! They completely drain the land and make it unliveable for crops, then they call the people of the Grasslands greedy for allowing them to starve! That pretty much summed up the Tinto region. Just one of five city-states in a shaky alliance of mutual greed. Lucia motioned to the State soldiers. "Well? I don't think it's appropriate for a little girl to see what you know is about to happen." The soldiers looked nervously at each other. They didn't know how to respond to Lucia's remark. They didn't understand. Did they have no notion of honor? Not everyone is a murdering killer of unarmed women and children like they were. The man in the center was obviously not a warrior. He did not look like a commander, either. He didn't even have anything near an intimidating presence. But he was given full attention when he spoke. "She's right." The soldiers looked at the young man in surprise. "But Marlowe..." Marlowe nodded to Lucia. "We'll... wait over there. Come on, Lilly." He knew it was futile to try to escape, but at least he realized what those State soldiers, who's job was to kill, could not. Marlowe and the little girl, Lilly, exitted the circle. Several of Lucia's elite Karaya tribesmen escorted them away from the battlefield to wait. Those Jowston State soldiers died that day. They died for their country. Their stupid greedy country which is actually five different countries pretending to be united as one. But it wasn't their fault. It was their job. Their duty. Even if their country was a cesspool of greed and corruption, they still loved it. Just as Lucia loved her tribe. And that patriotism had to be respected. Lucia nodded to some of the Karaya tribesmen. The non-elite tribesmen, who wore slightly more primitive green garb, began to dig graves for the fallen City-State soldiers. A funeral ceremony was held for all the dead soldiers, both Karayan and Jowston. Lucia muttered a prayer for the dead, then the small Karayan group headed back. Quite some distance away, she met up with Marlowe again, who was being guarded by some of her men. Lucia nodded. "I trust the distance was adequate." Marlowe could barely speak, knowing the outcome of the battle. "Y.... yes. She didn't hear a single scream of pain." Lilly tugged at his long dress. Well, it wasn't a dress but Lucia couldn't think of another term for it. "Mr. Marlowe! Mr. Marlowe! What happened?" Marlowe comforted the young girl. "Nothing, Miss Lilly. But... we'll have to stay with these people for a while." Lucia motioned to one of the elite Karaya tribesmen accompanying her. "Shaleem, I expect you to take good care of our hostages." Shaleem bowed. "Lady Lucia, I swear that no harm shall come to them while they are under my care. But where are you going?" Lucia nodded. "I shall be going deeper into Jowston, with only a few Karayans. It is now obvious that we can not travel in secret with a group this large. This man and this girl are obviously important enough to Gustav to have an escort. Remember, Gustav will never realize you are bluffing if you threaten to take their lives." "Be careful, Lucia. Your father was just as reckless in his youth as you, but I can see that you are prepared. I can see your father's bravery and wisdom in your eyes. I am sure he would have been proud of you." Shaleem bowed again. Lucia didn't reply as Shaleem escorted Marlowe and Lilly away. There was no reason to. After most of the Karaya tribesmen left, Lucia was left with only one female and one male Karayan elite. Lucia motioned to them. "Veeshara, Paineal, come." The two Karayans followed her without a word. Lucia looked at the moutain path that she had just passed through. Tinto was behind her. Land of cowards. Barren earth. One of the five "united" city-states. Jowston had gone to war again, this time with Highland, and Tinto didn't want to help. Because they were tired of fighting. Fighting which they voluntarily started, themselves. It wasn't just the Karaya tribe. Tinto has gone to war with nearly every single tribe and knightdom in the Grasslands. They've started wars with the nations in the South. They would attack every other city-state if they weren't so reliant on the alliance of mutual greed. A shaky alliance where the smallest straw could break the camel's back. The war with Highland. Didn't it just end only a few moments ago before restarting again? No matter. It was an oppurtunity. An oppurtunity to rid the continent of the plague known as Jowston. And of course there was the fringe benefit of getting revenge...