Lotte Chapter 15
"Witnessed to the Spirits"

Lotte ran off into the city, she was as pale as ghost. Totally spooked, by her lose of Ayame Lei. She couldn't bear to go back to her room. She didn't want to see all the things she lost.

Ayame Lei was Lotte's first true friend. She had such a wonderful time in the school with Ayame at her side, but now the days felt dull, and unchanging.

It was a mystery, no one knew the cause of her death. Not even the doctor him-self knew. This was all to confusing for Lotte.

"Causes unknown..." echoed though her mind "unknown...forever"

The words echoed like a nightmare. The night air of Greenhill felt like it was full of fear.


The blew gently. 'Fear...' it spoke.

Lotte didn't understand what it meant. She put her figures in her hair, took a piece and twisted it around. She was puzzled and confused by the wind's words.

"God, took Ayame from the world...I don't understand why..." Lotte spoke slowly.


Lotte stopped walking. "Fear of what?"

The wind died out, leaving Lotte in totally confusion of what it meant.

"How could this be...? I'm so confused..." she moaned

Lotte turned around, she lifted her head and looked at the city. Finally she took a chance and headed back to the dorms.

Back at the dorms, Michalle gave Lotte a hearty greeting. Lotte smiled, but depressed as she was headed to her room.

She trudged up the stairs, one by one. Her depression started to cave in on her.

How she missed Ayame's sun-kissed smile, the laugh she had. She was truly Lotte's bestfriend. Lotte could always make her laugh, and smile. Now who could she make smile and laugh? No one. No one worth taking Ayame's place.

Lotte walked up to her bedroom door, and twisted the knob carefully. Upon entering the room, she looked at the bed Ayame once slept in, the sheets that used to keep her warm and safe. Now that bed was empty, nothing more the a pile off wood, rotting away in it's place.

Lotte then turned her attention to the pile of books that rested beside her bed. She remembered how much Ayame liked her work. Lotte on the other hand was kind of poor student, but didn't really seem to care much.

Lotte sat on her bed, she pulled out a picture of her-self and Ayame during school. Lotte glanced at it for awhile, she clinged on to it.

Gone Forever...

"No one could bring back such memories of friendship. No one could." Lotte though.

Lotte got up from the bed, and headed to the window pain. She couldn't help but stare at moon and stars.

"Maybe she has gone to a better place" Lotte thought "Yeah...a place, much better then here..."

She blinked and watched the stars dance in the moonlight.

'Lotte...will see each other again...someday...'

Lotte looked at the moon. Ayame faded into focus and began to speak to Lotte.

"Lotte I'm here...but fate doesn't live in that school, you a magician at heart, and you shouldn't be upset over me..." Ayame sweet words danced "Follower your dreams...I'll see you someday..."

She drifted after her last words to Lotte.

"Wait! Ayame don't leave me!" Lotte yelled trying to hold her tears back "Wait! Please..."

Lotte stopped, and stood in her room. Then she grabbed a coat from her closet and threw it on. Then rushing down the stairs headed outside.

Outside, the dark night still rained with hints of light in the sky. Lotte watched the stars, her thoughts rested on Ayame's words.

'Follow your dreams...

Lotte heard those word whisper out in the open air. Lotte looked up once more at the stars, then rain appeared. Water-droplets tapped Lotte on the nose. The rains washed away the dirt that stood in Lotte's way.

The rain cried 'Follow your dreams...' as did the stars and the moon.

Insane as this sounds Lotte started to understand what Ayame wanted her to do... become a famous magician and to prove to the world how wonderful she is.

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"Lotte" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on July 9, 2000