Lorelai Prologue

The dream is always the same. The burning houses, the screaming people, and the wicked grin of the monster, slaughtering all in its path. The cry of her parents for help, the scream of agony as the monster finds them. Then the running, the weakness, the fact she couldn't stand up to him. Then the look back as her hometown burns.

Then she awakes. Another nightmare, just like the others. Lorelai rose from the bed and began to dress. Today she would go into the great forest and find the source of the noise reported by the villagers. Could this be the sindar ruins she had been searching for?

Lorelai crossed the hall to the other room and knocked on the door.

"Get up Quincy, we need to get to the woods before the republican guard does."

A loud mumbling from the other side of the door."What Lorrie, it's still dark outside." Quincy opened the door to see lorelai wearing her normal attire of blue and black armor and dark blue cape and head band.

The young blonde named Quincy caught a quick smack to the head. "That's Lorelai, you idiot. Don't make me beat some sense into you, I don't have time for it." Lorelai started out of the inn.

"Geez, charming as usual. Oh well, at least I'm getting paid." Quincy followed Lorelai out of the inn.

*several hours later*

"Here we are." Lorelai surveyed the area. Republican Guards stalked the area, overseen by the co-commander of the Guard, Grenseal.

"Ok men every one take their posts, no one is allowed near this area. Simply tell them It's for their own safety."

Great, Lorelai thought. I told Quincy to hurry. She motioned for Quincy to move around past Grenseal. Now she had to make her presence known. Not an ideal situation, but she had planned for it.

"Oh Grenseal!"

"Halt! Oh it's you Lorelai, how long has it been?"

Lorelai grimaced inwardly. (This is too easy.)"Oh a couple of years I think."

Grenseal smiled. "How have you been?"

(idiot)"Heard you were near town, and thought I'd see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat." Lorelai gestured back toward the village.

"Sorry I can't. I'm on duty." Lorelai noticed a slight waver in Grenseal's voice as he spoke.

"Oh come on, you have enough people to cover for you. Come spend some time with an old comrade, we can ...catch up on old times."

"Really? I never knew you thought so highly of me." (just a little more time)Lorelai thought.

"Sure, you were one of the most skilled officers in the Liberation army."

"Even more than Alen?" Lorelai laughed inside.(The idiot doesn't see it coming)

"Of course. And you were also one of the most handsome. Way more than Alen." (Just a little longer)

"Really?" Grenseal looked a little surprised.

*WHAM!* Grenseal fell to the ground unconscious, Quincy standing behind him, brandishing a thick tree limb.

"No, not really." Lorelai smirked.

"About time. He almost caught on." Lorelai and Quincy heard the the howling sound and began to run to it's source.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at a huge crack in the ground. (this is it? It can't be.)

"Well Lorelai, here's the noise box you were looking for, now what?" Quincy was obviously dissapointed by the discovery.

"Uh, I'm not sure." Lorelai heard the sound of guards nearby. "And worse yet we're surrounded."

About this time the guards stepped into the clearing. "Drop your weapons NOW!"

Quincy dropped his bow and rose his arms in the air. "Well Lorelai, looks like we're busted."

Lorelai looked around surveying her options. (Well, I could surrender and deal with Alen and Grenseal, and then probably Lepant after that. God, McDohl left a mess when he disappeared. Or...) Lorelai looked at the crack in the ground. (I could play a hunch and take door number two.)

Lorelai leapt into the crack, choosing the unknown over the boring.

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"Lorelai" and "Quincy" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on November 9, 1999
This author no longer writes for Lorelai