Leona Chapter 3
"The Trial"

" Look, Leona! There's a wonderful bird flying in the sky! How lucky it is, it can fly wherever it likes, on the contrary we must stay here........ Speak sincerely, what will be our destiny? Will we go into a prison for the rest of our life??!! Ohh..poor me! I'll never be able to see my sister again, that would be terrible!! Ehi, are you listening to me??!! TOCK! TOCK! Is there anyone?"


" ...Nothing! I was talking to you about our future. We're not guilty at all; soldiers attacked us first and we're be forced to defend ourselves!"

" Beautiful words, Helen, congratulations, but it won't be so easy to explain the real fact in front of an highlander jury!"

" Why?"

" You see, in this world there are a lot of innocent people imprisoned even without any regular trial, that's the reason I wasn't listening to your words.."

" How can be possible?"

" This is our world, this is the humanity."

Most probably Helen didn't understand what I was saying, maybe because her soul was too pure, noble, incorrupted.

" You're a good girl, Helen.."

Suddenly some voices stopped our discussion.

" Hurry up!! His wounds are getting worse, he could die in every moment!"

That was certainly an agitated soldier...I was asking myself who was dying; maybe another soldier, even if there was no battles lately, and hypothesis could turn out fairly strange.

Nine o' clock: By now the white moon was hight in the starry sky; Helen was sleeping sweety, while I was able to see the first lights of Highland's capital: L'Renouille, city where king Agares, his son Ruka, his daughter Jillia and some dreadful officials like Seed and Culgan where living thinking only at their own interests; a kingdom wereall my nightmares was born and th blood of so many people was flowing just for their pleasure.

I closed my eyes to open them again when I was in the city.

The carriage stopped in a desolated dark spot.

" You two! Get down! Tomorrow there will be the trial!"

Another prison.

And Helen didn't say a word; she seemed so sad...

" I'm tired Leona, and...stupid!"

" Why did you say such a thing?"

" 'Cause I'm not a real warrior! Eh! Eh! Eh!"

...While she was smiling some tears appeared over her face. I wasn't able to say anything, as I was afraid to hurt her feelings with my useless words.

" What was your dream?"

" Why -was-, honey?"

Helen fixed to me with a melancholy face, then..

" Answer me, please!"

" Well, I'm gonna find a precious, mysterious treasure, and with that I'll open a marvellous pub, but first we must show the jury our innocence, right, Helen?"

" Were you happy with your parents?"

" Certainly yes! My mother was gentle, delicate..... I remember that everyday she put some sweet-smelling flowers into a colored pot, ever singing a different melody!...Then she asked what type of flowers she put in the pot, and if I guessed the answer she gave me a little jewel. These earrings are her last prestent..."

" ...I understand...."

" And now I've learnt all the names of flowers!"

I was trying to make her happy, bu uselessy, now her eyes were completely empty.

16:00 p.m: The trial has just begun.

Jury started to talk explaining the situation and the reason we were there, the gave us the word.

" Let me try to convince them!"

I smiled to Helen and I began to discuss.

" First of all, I've to beg you to listen all my story. Helen and I were walking to.."

" To where?"

Interrupted me judge.

" Where we liked!!" replied with a loud voice Helen.

" How dare you, girl??!!"

" We're free to walk wherever we like, or not, judge?"


" Besides I think that it's not the real problem. Leona, please, go on!"

"..Ye, Yes, thanks!"

I was surprised for Helen's bravery.

" ..Ehmm, suddenly some soldiers stopped us trying to molest us, and so, to defend myself and Helen I've hit them wih my fire rune."

" What a stupidity! I'm not disposed to listen your foolish story anymore!" Shouted the judge.

" Eh, NO!! This is too easy!!" replied, fearless Helen." King Agares, Ruka, all the royal family and all this horrible kingdom, soon or later, will destroy us!!"

l the audience was in ferment.

" They'll kill us!!"

In the agitation soldiers were forced to fight against rebellious population that listened all the trial and agreed with her.

" Run away!!" I shouted.

While we were escaping, a lot of archers began to point us, threateningly.

" We must defeat them otherwise they'll crush us!"

" But what can we do?? I haven't no runes or weapons!" I replied hastily.

" There's only a solution!"

Helen stopped running, raising her eyes toward the enemy.

" Farewell, Leona."

A great ball of light blinded me; when I opened my eyes, the only thing I was able too see, was a figure.

" Follow me!! Quick!"

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"Leona" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on March 29, 2000.
This author no longer writes for Leona.