Leknaat Chapter 1
"Ghost of the Past"
(Magician's Isle)

Leknaat dropped her book as a spasm of pain ran through her arm and hand. There it was again, that pain, demanding that she reunite the two Runes of Gate. She almost bowed down to it, but she was stopped by one thing. Only with the Gate Runes separate could she save the Akuyuu Star. That would be enough for her to endure this pain for long enough. Leknaat concentrated for several minutes and the pain dulled.

She picked up the book again and put it away on a shelf. It was time she checked the planetarium and the Stars again, anyway. Even she didn't know when important events would happen until the stars and destiny told her. And things might not go exactly as foretold if she didn't pay attention quite as well. A good example of that would have to be when the Akukai Star received the Sword Rune alone. It might take a bit of work to get that back along the right path again.

Stepping outside the dusty library into the sun reminded her how long she had been in there. Had it really been a month already? Save that one break in which she teleported into an equally dusty cave, that had to be about right. There was one definite problem with living forever; time stopped mattering so much. She could certainly keep in touch with mortal time if she were to spend time interacting with them, but in her experience that always ended up with them dead and her not aged a bit. With a sigh, she entered the planetarium to examine the Stars.

Under a small building on the top of a hill lay the body of one of the world's greatest magicians of all time. Within that same small building a faint spirit glared out at the world. "I'll take my revenge, little sister. I'll see to it that the most precious things to you suffer and die before your eyes before I kill you myself. Just like what you did to me." The voice was a hiss of a whisper, unheard by any living being.

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"Leknaat" is (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on February 1, 2000
This author no longer writes for Leknaat