Koyu Chapter 6
"The Koyu Lampdragon Affair - The Prelude"

There are many traits one needs to develop to become a successful bandit.

Speed. Speed is essential. In one for order to pull off a heist, one needs to it fast. It needs to be done before anyone can realize that something's happened. And when realization does it, one needs to be far away from the location where it's happened. The farther away you are, the less likely you are to be caught.

Efficency. This is counterpart to speed. One can be fast, but it means nothing if you're sloppy. The opposite is also true: One can be efficent, but it means nothing if you're slow. If a job needs to be done, it needs to be done right. There should never be any evidence, and all possible problems should be worked out beforehand.

Craftiness. The more clever a heist is, the better it appears to people. One could argue that it could grow too much attention, and that it could just draw attention to the bandit himself. The key to understanding this aspect is to steal something that might be big enough to cause such a ruckus, that it needs to keep under wraps, or stealing something so insignificant, that it won't be until time passes that people won't notice it until it's gone.

There's also two rules that some bandits believe in, Koyu being one of them.

1 - Always work alone. There's a saying that goes something alone the lines of, "Two people can keep a secret, as long as only one of them is dead". This is quite true. With the risk of working with a second bandit, you always run the chance of him or her tattling on you.

2 - Never swipe more than you need. There's another saying that goes something like, "There is no honor among thieves." This is true. However, there is a key difference between a bandit and a thief. A thief enjoys the thrill of the theft, but never steals for personal gain. A bandit can enjoy the thrill of the theft just as much as a thief, but a bandit always does it for personal gain. That means you should never swipe more than you need.

Being a bandit is a profession, being a thief is a hobby.

It came to Koyu while he was sleeping. He shot up in his bed immediately and began to titter with laughter. Early the next morning, he began to scheme and workout his plan.

Over the next several days, Koyu's now familiar room at Greenhill's Inn filled up with sketched maps, to-do lists, plans, and instructions. All of which added the fuel to Koyu's excitement.

Eventually, Koyu outlined every detail to his plan. He focused on every aspect of his plan, all possible outcomes and all possible problems. He had taken into account everything essential and made sure he had everything he needed.

Koyu had everything he needed to down pat.

That night, he laid in a plush red chair, in his familiar clothes. His red knight uniform was spread out on the table next to his bed. He threw all of his plans into the fireplace and started a roaring fire. He held a glass of brandy in his left hand, having sips of it at regular intervals.

He stared into the fire through the night. When he finished his brandy, he put the glass down and slept in front of the warmth of the fireplace. The entire time, he had his traditional cheek to cheek wide grin.

He was about to pull the greatest heist in both Highland and Jowston history.

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"Koyu" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on December 11, 2000