Jillia Chapter 8
"Ruka, I'm going to kill you"

"I want you to go to the Toran Republic and secure a treaty of non-involvement for the war between Highland and Jowston. Because you will be travelling through enemy territory, you will have to travel in disguise, and with minimal guard. I have asked Ruka to assign a suitable guard."

Jillia looked distastefully at the pile of things she'd set out to take. Only if she had a wagon could she bring it all, and that certainly wouldn't fit the image of a poorer than dirt peasant. She started picking out things that she didn't really need to take.

No poisons, potions, or herbs. Those would guarantee not even getting past the Highland-Jowston border. Oh! She's forgotten about the border closing! That would be troublesome. Maybe there was a less traveled route.

No fancy clothing, in fact if she could manage with only one or two dresses, that'd be much better. She'd sent someone to the market already to pick up two peasant dresses. Jillia might have specified Jowston style, but the trip was supposed to be a secret one. The two she had would do, though.

Various items were tossed aside until Jillia felt that the pile was reasonable. She packed it into her carry sack and tested the weight. Still too heavy if she was going to carry rations with her. But what else could she reasonable take out? Nothing that she could think of. Oh well, she could always get used to the weight.

Jillia changed into one of the peasant dresses and braided her hair back loosely. Inspecting herself in the mirror, Jillia had to admit she still didn't look like peasant stock. Soft-born life had left it's mark. At least she had a ragged cloak to hide that a bit.

She went into the public part of her tent to meet her bodyguard. Hopefully Ruka didn't pick out the most incompetent person he could find in the hopes she'd get killed along the way.

Dressed in beggar clothes, Rowd entered the tent. "Hello Lady Jillia, I will be your bodyguard to Toran. How may I assist you?"

Ruka, I'm going to kill you. "Oh god..." said Jillia, "this is going to be a long trip."

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"Jillia" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami
This chapter was posted December 15, 1999