Jillia Chapter 1
"A Treaty Signed"

The scribes delivered her copy of he treaty that morning and Jillia spent the remainder of time until noon reading through it to make sure nothing was different. She didn't expect to find differences, but the King would likely have a fit if he knew she hadn't. People always seem to expect from others what they themselves would do.

Once she was satisfied the scribes hadn't left out a single mark of punctuation, she packed it into a waterproof travel package. The negotiations had turned out well. No one had lost last or money to the other, both sides just agreed to mutually stop killing each other. About time, too. The war had been going on for as long as she could remember, after all.

"M'Lady," an attendant said meekly from the doorway, "The carriage is ready for travel."

"Yes, of course," she said absently and picked up her few belongings that hadn't been packed and carried to the carriage; the treaty, a journal, and a book she'd picked up in town of ancient texts relating to the Sindar. After one last glance around the guestroom to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything, Jillia followed the attendant out to the carriage.

The carriage stood in front of the city hall surrounded by a dozen mounted guards. While she spent the entire journey cooped up in a stuffy carriage, they would be riding horseback and sleeping on the cold ground. It was yet another instance of royalty and commoners envying what the other could do and have.

The carriage soon started to roll out of Muse....

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"Jillia" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami
This chapter was posted October 11, 1999