Han Chapter 2
"Meeting an Old Friend"

Han reached the town of Tworiver at the human side. He stoped infron of the Towngate and jumped off his horse.
Han walked through the streets, searching for an Inn. Finally he found one, and entered it. The room was not very full of guests and the Barkeeper greeted him as Han entered.
"Good morning Sir. What can i do for you?" he asked
"I need a room and some food for my horse!" Han replied with a soft smile.
"Okay...please wait a moment." the Barkeeper said and walked behind the bar searching something. As he found it he clapped his hands twice and a young boy came downstairs.
"Son, guide this Man to his room. And then you are going to care for his horse." the Barkeeper commandet.
The young boy nodded and smiled at Han: "Follow me sir!" he said and walked upstairs.
Han followed him. As they reached the 2nd floor the young boy tunred round.

"I am Micky. And you?" he asked like a young kid does. Han made a confused face, he hates it to talk to small kids, they are going on his nerves.
"I am Han" he said slowly.
"Wow! What a huge sword you have sir, and your armor. Are you a knight? I want to become a knight too. Then i will protect the ladies from the bad dragons and..."
Han stoped to listen to the child. It happens exactly how he thought, the young boy was asking him about everything. Han only gave short answers he wanted to bore the young boy, then he would stop. But it didnt work.
After Han was in his room the boy used every situation to talk to Han. He brings the dinner up to Hans room and was sitting there until Han finished eating.
"SHUT UP!!!!" Han shouts.
The young boy was shocked. His eyes were getting wet with every moment passing by. The he started to cry and ran downstairs.
Han did know that he will be back in a few. But his father will be with him. So it happened:
"Why is my son crying? What did you do?" the barkeeper asked.
"He was going on my nerves. I am here to find some rest. And as you might see im a high Knight, so you should have some more respect!"
The Barkeeper was confused. "Um....sir....you are....i....oh my godness....excuse me!!"
The he ran downstairs and han had to smile.

After a short rest Han steped infront of the inn and was standing on the mainstreet of Tworiver. He had to find hid friend. But where should he start searching?
So Han walked around the town and asked some person he passed. But noone could help him. Then he tried to find the Guard House of Tworiver. After some time he found it. Han entered it and looked around. The room he entered was a big room with some cell doors on the northern wall. In the center a big round table was standing. Around this table some guards were sitting.
"Good day!" Han greeted
"Hello, what can i do for you?" asked a tall man with a blinking armor and blue clothes.
"Im searching for an old friend. I hoped you may help me." Han replied.
"Mh...maybe. Who is the person?" the guard asked.
"His name is Ian. He lives here since many years now. But ive never visited him. So i dont know where he lives." Han said.
"Well, your looking for Sir Ian?" The guard smiled
"Yes...why? So you know him?" Han asked excited
"Mh...maybe. Whats your name?" the guard asked still smiling
"My name is Han. Han, great General of Highland Kingdom. Leader of the 2nd Highland Kings Guard." Han said proud.
"Well, ive heard about you. Ian told me that you are one of the best Generals of Highland Kingdom." The guard smiled.
"Yeah, that maybe right." Han smiled "But im not here to talk about my person, i need to visit Ian!"
"Well, just open your eyes, old friend." The guard smiled.
"Oh....you are....hey! I didnt recognize you!" Han shouts and shooks Ians hand.
"Yes, you look good in your armor, Han!" Ian said.
"Well, thank you. But i dont have the time to talk now. I need your help!" Han said.
"Well okay, my guard is over this evening. Lets meet at the Tavern on the other side then!" Ian said.
Han nods and turned around. While he was leaving the house he said a slow
"Okay, bye then.".

Han was sitting at a table in a lonely corner of the "Kobolds Tavern". He was wating for Ian, who should appear in a few.
Ian was an old friend of Han, he was the spy of Hans corps and his advisor for some situations.
Finally Ian entered the tavern. As he saw Han he walked up to him.
"Hello, here i am." Ian said with a smile and sats down.
"Yes, fine" Han replied.
"So whats the reason for your appearing?" Ian said.
"I need your help, Ian." Han said with a strange look.
"What type of help?"
"Let me say, your help like in old days...." Han smiled.
"Oh....you mean during...Jowston - Highland war?" Ian said
"Yes in a way." Han said.
"But there is no war yet. Who are you going to attack? We live in a time of peace....im confused..." Ian said.
"Calm down. There is no war, and there wont be a war! I didnt say that i need you as my advisor on a battle field." Han said cold.
"Oh, you know...im not into those stuff anymore...so what is it then?" Ian asked
"Mh....well i have to think about how to explain." Han said. Han was thinking. Ian didnt seem to be the same. He cant tell him everything, but he needs his help. Finally Han got an idea:
"Well, you were my spy during the War. I need you to spy out something. But its not a war action, i swear it!" Han said.
"Okay, but i need more informations." Ian said
"Well, i cant tell it here. But i will tell you more on our way to Highlands Castle."
"Mhh...if i wouldnt know you that long i would probably leave you alone. But ill come with you and decide if i make it on our way." Ian said.
"Good! I'd know that i can count on you!" Han said happy.

The two man were leaving the town of Tworiver early on the next morning. After they reached the forest Han started to explain.

"Well, east of Highland, in the Crystal Lake, is the Island State of Geronya. As you may know Geronya is in good trading situation with Highland, and also a friend of the Jowston states. A few weeks ago, one of our ships wich was carrying trading ware aboard, got attacked by uknown ships. Geronya sayd that they didnt attack it, but noone know who else could it be. So we need to find out. The King ordered me to lead my army to the eastern coast, and to find out the truth. This is no act of war, its just for secure. because some Highland towns on the eastern coast got attacked and plundered by uknown ships to. We need to get to Geronya and find out theire military stats. We need to know where the main army is at, and wich armys are where on the island. With those informations we can find out the truth. More i cant tell."

"Well, that sounds strange..." Ian said.

"Yes, but i would tell you more, if i was allowed to. Your duty is to spy out the fortress' and Citys. We need all information about theire militarry situation!" Han said.


"The King will pay you a good price!" Han smiled.

"Well...you are an old friend, and i belive in the word of my old King. So im in!" Ian said with a smile.

"Yes Great!!" Han said with a strange smile.

Han and Ian talked about old times. Both were commanding a highland army during jowston war, and both were highlands. But after the war Ian changed the sides and went to Tworiver. Han was hating him for that, and he was still. But the meeting today let him forget his feelings about Ian. He was happy to see him again. Not really happy, but he was looking like he was. Deep inside he was still angry about him. Ian was now the leader of the guard of Tworiver. Han was hoping that it wasnt a fault to get Ian for this duty. If he would find out the real reason Ian would make the whole situation bad for Han...

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"Han" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on January 2, 2000
This author no longer writes for Han