Gilbert Chapter 8
"The End of the Trail"

The two fighters, or should we say, one fighter and one useless woman. At least, that's how Gilbert saw it. The two of them had finally reached the top of the mountain. The Summit of Earth, is what it was called.

"'s beautiful..." muttered Forthoro as she looked at the view. Gilbert sat down on the ground indian style, "Shut-up. So where's this monster eh? Don't tell me I walked all the way up here just to-" His speech was cut off by a giant fist made of rock coming up out of the ground and slamming Gilbert into the sky.

Forthoro, confused as well as shocked, kneeled down on the ground to get a view of what she had to fight...alone.

The monster appeared to be a Golem of some sort. But not just made of rock. It had leaves and dirt and various other earth-like items. It took a swing at Forthoro, but she jumped into the air, and chanted some words...

At first, it was blurry. But then, Gilbert's vision came back as he got up. From the blow he had taken, he was down the mountain quite a ways. He looked up at the top of the mountain. There was a red glowing. Oh shit! That thing's probably killing her! I gotta get there, and fast!

Gilbert began to run up the mountain. He ran faster than he has ever run in his life.

Once he finally reached there, he saw something odd. Forthoro was being held up in the air with one hand by the beast, and she was continously striking him with red laser beams of some sort.

Gilbert charged at the Golem, sword swinging. The monster grabbed him, threw down Forthoro, and pinned Gilbert to the ground. The Golem's hand seemed to morph into an axe-like object, and it raised it's hand high into the air. Gilbert said to it, "So, this is how it's gonna be eh? This is how I'm gonna die? Fine. Do it." And, just as the monster began to swing downwards onto Gilbert, Forthoro shot a laser at it, shattering it to pieces. Gilbert, who was very shocked right now, walked over to Forthoro, ".....thanks." Forthoro looked up at him with tears in her eyes. And they kissed. They stood there kissing until the moon came up. And for the first time ever, Gilbert had fallen in love.

He carried her back down the mountain, just starring at her face. She was so pure, beautiful. Gilbert, what ever you do, donn't go soft. A lot has happened, but you don't have the right to go just can't...

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"Gilbert" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on January 23, 2000