"Already Goodbye?" When Gilbert woke up, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He tried to get up, but realized he was strapped to a bed. He looked around, but didn't see Eye anywhere. "Ah, I see that you're awake, Gilbert. The reason you cannot speak is because I hit you in a spot that affects a nerve in your throat." The man who was speaking to Gilbert was wore an all black cloak, so that you couldn't see his face, or anything else. "If you're wondering, I'm the one who left you thhat little present outside of your house. Why? You're bad for my business. I am also a mercenary, but you steal all of my jobs. Therefore, I'll have to kill you." Just as the man finished his sentence, Gilbert busts through the ropes that are holding him, and tackles the man in black. Gilber pummels the man until he's not breathing anymore. Gilbert begins to cough. He's on his knees coughing for a very long time. When he's done coughing, he says to the dead body next to him, "Of course I know how to get the nerve back in place, bastard." He that he walks out of the room. He walks into the room next to his to find Eye on the floor, whimpering and bleeding all over the place. "NO!" he shouted as he ran over to Eye and picked him up, "PLEASE, GOD, NO!" Eye continued whimpering and bleeding all over Gilberts armor. He looked up at Gilbert, his eyes were so sad...so innocent. "It's gonna be okay buddy...it'll be fine...come on...l-let's get you to a..." but before Gilbert could finish, he felt Eye's heart stop. "NOOOOO! GOD WHY!? WHY!!! YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!" And then, something happened. Something that has never happened before, Gilbert began to weep. For the first time in his life, Gilbert burst out into tears. And he would stay there crying, for three more days... Rest In Peace, Eye...