Gilbert Chapter 13
"Marble Floors and Fine Wine"
(On the way to L'Renouille)

Gilbert woke up to blurry face of Worm. As his eyesight adjusted he looked around himself, to find stone walls, and carpeting, and even a big fire-place. "Wha…where am I?!" Gilbert yelled as he jumped up out of his bed.

"Ha ha ha, welcome to L'Renouille, Gilbert. You said something about drugs then passed out. It was like your brain shut down or something. Maybe you should get more sleep. You know, it's not very common for people to suddenly pass out while on an everyday carriage ride…" Worm continued babbling as Gilbert slowly walked away. He slowly walked down the great halls outside of his dormitory, as he rubbed his head he looked at the marvelous marble floors. And there were candles almost every five steps. Am I in heaven? Gilbert thought to himself. But then he turned around to see Worm coming up to him, still talking without taking a breath, Nope…guess not…

Gilbert walked into a room with a long wooden table. Some people were gathered around it, and were sipping wine, OUT OF GLASSES. Gilbert walked over and sat down at a far end of the table, not near anyone. When he sat down, all of the other soldiers got up and held their hands up in salute. Gilbert was startled by their reaction and fell out of his chair. When he got back up, brushed himself off, and fixed his hair, he said, "At ease?" and all of the soldiers sat down and got back to their wine. Worm came into the hall, "Hey, everybody! Looks like you all met Gilbert all ready, he's our new general! Exciting isn't it?!"

The soldiers all looked at him in silence, and in about seven seconds someone in the audience shouted, "You suck!!!" and the crowd of soldiers burst into laughter. Worm, being the moron that he is, laughed along with them and took a seat. Another anonymous soldier shouted "Speech! Speech!" loudly, and caused the whole group of soldiers…and Worm…to begin chanting those very words.

All was quiet as everyone looked at Gilbert right in the eye. He stiffened up a little bit and stated, "Pass the wine."

The crowd of soldiers cheered like crazy as one soldier came over to him and poured him a glass of wine. Gilbert took his seat and began drinking. He didn't leave the room that night, and stayed drinking with his new soldiers all night. He got introduced to one swordsman named Haze. He was from Lakewest, and got recruited here without his say. He then mumbled something about a frog and passed out. Gilbert too realized that he was getting sleepy, and began to walk away to his quarters.

As Gilbert entered his room, and un-dressed, he heard a knock on the door. "What?" grumbled Gilbert. The door slammed open to reveal Worm. "Oh…great," said Gilbert.

"Actually, Gilbert," started Worm, "I'm not here to chit-chat. I'm here to make sure that you know where the bathroom is, it's down the hall a little ways until you see the second door. Once you see the second door, go in it and make an immediate right. Go down that right for about, oh, five hundred steps, and make a left. Go down those stairs and you'll see a double door. DO NOT go in the double door, go in the single door next to it. You'll see a gargoyle a little ways down that hallway, so make a right when you get up to it. Then you will see two stairways, one leading to the right and one leading to the left. Don't go left, go right, cause if you go right that's not right, so go left. You get it, right?"

Gilbert just stared Worm in the eye. He grabbed the door handle, and slammed his door right in Worm's face. You could here a small yelp of pain as Gilbert crawled into his silk sheeted bed, and went to sleep.

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"Gilbert" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on March 25, 2000