Gilbert Chapter 10 and Seed Chapter 4
"A Misunderstanding"
(Zexen Village)

"And what is this 'offer' you speak of, and who are you?" Gilbert asked, without even looking at the highlands.

"My name is General Seed of the Highland Army. This is my entourage, Alton and Pao. I have come to offer you a command of our mercenary regiment. How would 90,000 potch sound to you?

Gilbert's eyes grew large. He thought to himself "90,000 potch?! Are you kidding?! Man, that's a lot of cash, I should take this job!" Gilbert looked Seed right in the eye and said, "Very well. But let me tell my wife." Gilbert slowly walked into his log cabin, where his wife was making biscuits and coffee.

"Lord Seed," asked Alton, "I don't think we need him. Let me handle this unit, I'm sure I'm better than him, please sir!"

"Alton, remember your place" Seed snapped at the officer. Alton shook his head in disgust and fell silent.

<inside Gilbert's cabin>

"B...But Forthoro! Think of what i could--!" Gilbert's speech was cut off by a frying pan smacking him square in the forehead.

"No! Gilbert, No! I won't allow you to work for Highland, and that's that!"

Gilbert's face grew red with rage, "NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE SPEAKS TO ME LIKE THAT! WHETHER YOU'RE A KING OR MY WIFE, YOU DO NOT COMMAND ME! I AM LEAVING AND THAT MY DEAR, IS THAT!" and he stormed out of the cabin. Forthoro watched Seed hand Gilbert a pouch of potch through the window. She dropped to her knees, and cried."

<back outside>

"So, Gilbert, you decided to help us? Very good. But, as you should very well understand, we need to test your strength. We will travel up Firehead Mountain to the west. What we'll do is go to the top, kill the Firehead, and come back down. Does that sound reasonable?" Seed asked.

"Yeah, whatever." Gilbert replied. He didn't even know what the Firehead is, or where Firehead Mountain is. But wherever it is, it's worth 90,000 potch.

And so, the four soldiers began their hike towards Firehead Mountain. Once they reached the outside of the mountain, Seed announced to set up camp. And so they did.

Later that night, Alton couldn't get to sleep, "God damnit, this is pointless. We're going up this huge mountain and back, just to see how good this guy is? I could probably kick his ass with my spear anyways. Hmm, I wonder...maybe I should rid of him now. Make it look like monsters killed him in his sleep, yeah that's a great idea!" And with that, Alton grabbed his spear and ran out of his tent. He walked slowly over to Gilbert's tent and peered inside, but no one was there. "Looking for something?" a voice said behind Alton. Alton quickly spun around to see Gilbert staring him right in the face.

"Wha..?" is all Alton could get out before Gilbert swung his sword, and lopped off his head. Seed and Pao immediatley came out to see what was going on.

"Gilbert! Alton?! What is the meaning of this?!" Seed yelled.

"You tricked me! You Highland bastard!" Gilbert yelled as he lunged at Seed with his sword.

Seed immediatly unsheathed his sword and started walking in a circular motion around Gilbert with his sword held horrizontaly. He then lunged at Gilbert as Gilbert deflected his attack, the two raised there swords and started exchanging blows. Seed's attacks were getting more and more agressive. Gilbert could feel he was getting fatigued. Gilbert steeped back then with all his strength, lunged at Seed. Seed steped aside and caught Gilbert by suprise, then grabbed his arm and with his knee he knocked Gilberts sword out of his fist. Seed then raised his sword to his throat. "Why! Why did you kill Captain Alton!" Seed demanded.

"Self defense." Gilbert gasped. "That boy was trying to kill me in my sleep." Gilbert said, as he glanced at the dead body.

"Lord Seed, I believe him. Alton was telling me about how he was going to kill Gilbert. I tried to stop him, but he would not listen."

Seed stared down at Gilbert "Very well," he said as he reached for Gilbert's hand. "Pao, Alton served under me for 4 years. Give him a decent burial. After that, we will continue towards the mountain sumit."

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"Gilbert" and "Seed" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on March 4, 1999