Genshu Chapter 4
"The Arrival"

Night had fallen early to the northern planes of Jowston. Here, among the mountainous valleys of Matilda, two weary travelers rested by a small campfire, and reflected for the first time since their escape from Highland, the events to lead them here. It had been only a short time since their departure from Highland, yet the time had seemed eternal. Shortly after the destruction of the Unicorn Youth Brigade, the borders from Jowston to Highland had been closed. These two men were blessed with luck to have escaped before the closing of the countries borders.

The silence of the evening was disrupted by only the crackling fire, casting obscure shadows across the lonely campsite. These two companions had spoken only briefly since their escape from Highland, each lost in the horror of realization they had witnessed, but could not understand.

“Master,” Stated Desmond, the kolbold story collector from Ryoko, his words bringing Genshu’s mind back to the present. “How was it that you knew?” The kolbold questioned, remembering their narrow escape through the Highland/Matilda border, and Genshu’s insistence of their hurried departure. Desmond almost didn’t have time to retrieve his writings.

Genshu paused, and studied his companion in the dim firelight. “Because, I know war, and I understand it.”

Desmond had grown accustomed to Genshu’s riddled answers and shrouded explanations, it’s just the way things were. Remembering their flight from Highland, Desmond mentally examined the events that lead to this understanding. It was the speech by Princess Jillia that had sparked Genshu’s mind to grasp the horror of the situation. Desmond also recalled, Genshu’s description of the nightmarish scene of the slaughtered Unicorn Youth Brigade, and how their bodies, displayed and unprepared for honorable burial, but piled for some sick ritual. And yet, most puzzling of all, the supposed forces of the City-State, infiltrating the Highland lands, and butchering the young men in training to be solders. There was no explanation as to how the forces of an entire army could break through the defenses of Highland, butcher an entire group of young boys, and flee into the night like a fleeting dream. The Highlanders, for whatever obscene purpose, exploited the fears and grief of the citizens, playing off of their own rage and loss to sparp their conflict with their hated enemies, the Jowston city alliance. And still the words returned, “Emotion is a weakness that may be exploited by your enemies.” And now, Genshu understood, that that enemy was Highland.

The journey from Highland had been furiously difficult, yet the two were forced to continue their travel. But despite this continual march, Genshu retained the same energy and undying resolve as when he first set about on this journey. Desmond, however, was physically worn, and his clothes, although no muddier than Genshu’s, seemed much heavier.

It was with a fitful rest that Desmond finally found himself able to sleep, however, Genshu refused such luxury. Rather than succumb to his vision driven dreams, he proceeded to meditate, his body relaxing in the mind-expanding exercise.

It was morning before Genshu would open his eyes, having meditated the evening hours, however he appeared more rested than his companion. It was still a long distance toward Rockaxe, and Genshu had no time to waste. He could perceive the motives of the Highland forces, and the thoughts of those initiatives truly frightened him.

In the distance, the two companions could see the Knightdom of Matilda, a virtual fortress of defense. The very castle itself, built into the mountainside, or rather, the mountain spawned the fortress. It was magnificent in the eyes of Desmond, he had grown cold and weary over their journey, and despite the endless traveling to this location Desmond looked forward to a warm bath and soft bed.

It would be another half a days journey before they would reached the castle, the two travelers in complete silence, as they each reflected on their own thoughts. Upon entering the city gate, Genshu studied a large, black haired man in blue, speaking with an auburn haired woman. From his dress, Genshu recognized that he was a man of status within this town. It was a moment before the man in blue would settle his conversation with the woman and allow her to accompany him, but Genshu no longer paid them any attention, his eyes were now drawn elsewhere, fixed on the towering castle, which seemed to suspend the very sky in its place. The monumental spires and towers of this castle were a testament to the very importance to the lord who resided within its cavernous walls. However, rather than enraptured by the overwhelming feeling of awe and inspiration, Genshu was sickened by this display of shameless supremacy. A man of honor would not flaunt his wealth and power, but live as humbly as those in his service.

“So you say,” Genshu began, addressing his companion, his steely eyes fixed upon the monumental fortress. “The Matilda Knights reside here? They are the champions of protecting Jowston?”

“Yes master, they are an honorable group.” Desmond stated. “They will listen to what you know, I am sure of it.”

“I told you,” Genshu’s voice, a hushed whisper, as it always was, “Do not call me master, I have not earned the right.”

“So, mas…uh, Genshu, where should we go?” Desmond inquired.

“First, we require a room. Head to the Inn, you lead.”

“What, why do you wish me to lead?”

“Because,” Genshu’s voice a rasp whisper, “I am in my vow of poverty, I do not look the part of one who will be taken seriously in requesting lodgings. It would be simpiler if I play the part of your servant.”

Desmond was uncomfortable with the suggestion, yet followed Genshu’s instructions. Tomorrow, they would find a way to meet Lord Gourdo. But for now, they would need to rest.

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"Genshu" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on December 2, 1999