Feather Chapter 3
"The Rescue"

Feather figured now was pretty much his last seconds enjoying that nice feel of drawing breath as he watched the villagers come closer. He inhaled deeply, preparing for a really big scream - whether his throat cooperated or not!

Feather was about to let out all that breath in one last ear-shattering blast, when some crazy humans jumped in front of him, circling him protectvely. Feather couldn't understand it. Humans - protecting *him*!?!?!? It was so confusing that he forgot to scream, slowly letting out all that breath instead.

The two groups of humans argued for a little bit. Apparently the smaller group around him made up for their lack of numbers with more volume and by looking alot tougher. Their leader seemed to be an older man, in his late thirties or so. Feather couldn't really tell as the pain was still screwing up his mind some.

Finally the outer circle of menacing soldiers backed off and the leader of the smaller group turned to him. He seemed to be holding some sort of crystal.

The man smiled and introduced himself as, then asked how Feather was feeling.

Hurts like a bitch, but I can still fly and even hunt Feather thought to himself, knowing it was pointless to try and talk to a human. They were just too thickheaded to understand griffin.

The man surprised him however, by laughing aloud, and saying to him, "Oh surely not *all* humans are *that* thickheaded?" It was almost as if the man could...understand him!

Feather was shocked, as well as pleased. This human could read his mind! Wow!

The man laughed and waved the crystal at him. "I got this crystal from a man in Greenhill...or was it Matilda Forest? Anyway, he said his name was Badeaux. Told me it would let me communicate with animals. Handy, eh?"

Feather flashed the man a griffin grin, feeling very happy to have met this fellow. Could you remove this rope from my leg? It hurts!

The man nodded and did so, and turned back to Feather. "Better now?". Feather nodded. The man smiled, pleased, and was startled by a loud *SNAP* as the crystal in his hand shattered. "Guess it's a one-time use, eh?" He said.

Feather could only nod in agreement. During all this exchange the other humans had just watched. Feather craned his neck around and tried to remove a few of the more painful splinters with his beak. It didn't work. Thankfully, the humans realized what was the matter. One of them raised her hand, which for some reason glowed blue.

All the splinters immediately jumped out of his skin, and Feather realized the lady had a water rune on her hand. Useful things. Feather only wished he knew how to use one.

Feather also noticed his leg wasn't broken anymore. He made a thankful noise to them and stood up, shaking out his feathers and making pleased sounds to himself.

The humans seemed very pleased with themselves, and trooped off to the village inn. Feather smiled to himself, and launched into the air. As he spiraled higher and higher he let out a joyful griffin-scream. He was so very happy. Maybe he should go and find this Badeaux. He sounded like an interesting fellow.

Now all Feather had to do was figure out where Greenhill or Matilda Forest were..... He picked a direction, and went for it. After all, what is life without a little exploring and adventuring?

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"Feather" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami.
This chapter was posted on December 30, 2000
Feather's author is no longer active