Emilia Chapter 2 and Vincent 5
"Passionate Mirror and the vulgar beast"

“Perhaps it is best to spend the night in this magnificent city.” Said Vincent, signalling at his companions and looking at the setting sun burst into glorious colors, burning the sky with it. “It looks suitable for us.”

Milich and Kasios, however, were not convinced at their dearest friend’s judgement. In front of them stood a place that represented a dark age in their history. The bustling city with large houses and the well known university would not be so happy to greet them, as they were reluctant to greet it.

“Friend Vincent, I do not believe it is a wonderful idea to enter this city. Perhaps our rest should wait for a while. After all, two very fine places, Matilda and Two Rivers, are just as great...”

Vincent de Boule looked suspiciously at Milich. “But dearest friend Milich, Two Rivers is polluted by vile and disgusting dogs and Matilda, she is too far. It shall not be convenient for us to do such a thing.”

Milich swallowed and with a deep breath followed Vincent and Antoinette into the cobble stone path. Kasios was not able to repress her feelings so much, and froze near the path, on the verge of tears.

“What is wrong, dear?” Said Antoinette, putting her gloved hand on Kasios’ shoulder. “Is this such a terrible place? I have spent many a night in this lovely town and...”

Milich stopped her, for Kasios was too emotional to speak. “It is not that, dear Antoinette. But Kasios and I have a confession. Behind these walls lie a repressed part of our history so vile and terrifying that it shall send your souls aflame with demons from the depths of the netherworlds.”

“Yes, Master Milich is right.” Kasios regained the courage to speech. “It speaks the sombre sound of a thousand demons in a thousand hells torturing a thousand bards to write a thousand sonnets of evil for them.”

Antoinette nodded, she understood all. “Milich. Kasios. I must inform you that the beast, Alec Wisemail, has shuffled off the mortal coil for a while now, and his evil stench is but cleansed of this fair city. We shall stay here but for a small while, is that alright?”

“It is agreed.” Milich said. “But we must assume a new guise, for I am a General of the opposing state, and it is heavenly luck that forbade us from being captured in these states, but I do not know how long this luck will smile upon us.”

Milich gently pushed Kasios into the woods. “It is fortunate that I am also Toran’s greatest fashion designer.”

The moon rose higher to it’s destination when the two came out wearing their new clothes. Kasios had her hair sticking into the air like spikes, and wore black trousers with a navy blue suit. Milich followed, wearing a red karate uniform with an even bigger hat. Vincent followed next, in a simple shirt and a “Kiss the cook” apron. Antoinette waited behind the trees, hoping no one would notice her.

“Dearest friend Antoinette? Why the reluctance?” Asked Vincent.

“Oh darling, Milich Openhiemer has beyond a shadow of a doubt impeccable taste in aristocratic clothes, but I must question his judgement on this.”

The shadows behind the trees froze for a few seconds, before throwing Antoinette out, almost against her will. She wore tight leather clothes and a little pink with leopard spots over shirt.

“I cannot comprehend what you have against this dress.” Milich said. “Tis a magnificent display!”

Antoinette gulped, and reluctantly followed them in.

Unfortunately the death of a beast does not cleanse the inner soul of his evil sneer. Kasios would learn that lesson all night, as terrible images of Alec, Gorudo, Gustav and the soldiers. Corpses mixed the heavy rain with their blood, forming a gross pool which made Kasios shriek in her wake.

Milich sprang up from the opposing bed. “Whatever is it, Kasios?”

Kasios burst into tears again. “I cannot... I cannot forget that horrible beast of a thousand devils in a thousand hells. Even if it is but an image in the distant past. How can I drown such a horrible thing in the thousand rivers of repression?!”

Milich sat down beside her. “Tis but for a few days, and drowning in the river shall not help, the flow of time shall pass away this dreadful pool that is being carried.”

“Yes... you are wise, Master Milich.” She wiped away the tears.

Another sound filled the moment after Kasios had stepped aside, this time it seemed to have come from Antoinette, who was still wearing the same clothes. She mumbled things that both Milich and Kasios could not make out, but it spoke of being frozen and melting hearts.

“Such a strange nightmare Antoinette must be experiencing...”

Vincent glided down the stairs, Milich and Kasios had decided to stay in their rooms and Antoinette still refused to come down. Greenhill was a quaint little place with a fresh air of non vulgarity, though it needed more flowers. But what sparked Vincent’s true interest was the Greenhill academy.

The place was filled with students, some rigorously training their magnificent minds in the wonderful arts but unfortunately not caring much for their appearance while others were oblivious to such an advantage they had to study in this fine academy. Had it not been for his three companions and the garden Vincent would spend more time in this magnificent facility. The only other place that could rival it was Harmonia’s libraries.

Vincent marched proudly into the magnificent and spacious hallway, at the end of the fine carpeting sat the woman whom Vincent deduced to be the one who takes care of the applications.

“Pardon me, dear lady, but I would like to have information on this magnificent establishment”

“Hm?” Emilia looked up, blinking rapidly at the strange man standing in front of her “..Er...About...the Academy, you mean?”

“Of course, this magnificent place full of wonderful truths and knowledge, could anyplace else have such a wonderful description!” Vincent accented what he meant by spreading his arms. “What fine libraries do you house here?”

Emilia blinked some more, overtaken by his ...flowing choice of words. “Er, well, we specialize in the crafts of Runemastery, Blacksmithery, and Sculpting...However, we have many, many libraries on various subjects, and students who wish to learn things beyond what we mainly teach are welcome, for that someone here will usually be more then happy and willing to help them.”

“Ah! Magnificent that this fine city has so much wonderful affairs. It appears that even a town that supported mayor as demonic as the one in Greenhill cannot extinguish the flames of learning!”

“Demonic? ...Oh, you must mean Alec Wisemail. He is by no means liked here.” She responded flatly.

Vincent smiled. “Aha! The cradle of Azreal's womb has been just. I am so delighted to hear such wonderful news. Dearest friend Milich and Kasios will soar with magnificent joy!”

At those words, Emilia’s jaw dropped. “M--MILICH!? As in ..Milich ... OPPENHEIMER !?” She stood up and grabbed Vincent by his collar and shook him. “You know Milich!? The greatest author ever to write a book!?” Her eyes flamed with an intensely rich and creative fire.

“Such a vulgar girl! Lay your unrefined hands off of me or not a word shall be said.” Vincent yelled, dusting off the specks of dirt on his “Kiss the cook apron”.

Her eyes continued to flare with a passion not seen in this world since...ever. “You're not listening to me, flower boy! Take me to Milich so I can praise him beyond recognition!...Wait a second.” She let go and sat down, having regained her senses. “Milich is here, and he's a Toran general. That means that he's running from someone? Is he in trouble? Does he need a place to hide?”

“Ah, since you have brilliantly conveyed this magnificent information about this fine establishment all is forgive, no? Of course dearest friend Milich wrote his greatest novel about the Hearts in Passion of the Roses empire battle! After all, I was one of the muses who inspired this lovely chronicle! I assure you, dearest Milich is all right”

“Wait! Who are you? Maybe he mentioned you in one of his stories! Oh, what an opportunity! To meet a friend of the great Milich!”

“Who am I?” Vincent looked at himself “Of course, such a shame we were forced to be in disguise so you cannot comprehend my brilliance. For I, dear friend, am the magnificent Vincent de Boule! Hero of the hearts in passion of the roses empire and dearest confidante to it's protagonists.”

Emilia stared. “You're...Vincent De Boule!? Oh my word! Where are my manners!? I am one of your biggest supporters! ...I have many memorabilia from that era...A Rose Broach, a cape, some earrings, a vest...” She started to go on.

“Magnificent! It is good that the people of today have not forgotten true brilliance once they see it! Oh, dearest friend Milich will be drowned in joy when he meets such a fine lady as yourself.”

Emilia stood as if she was brought back from a dream, to realize it was true. “You mean, for real, Milich is here..? In...Greenhill?...Oh...my...I am not prepared for such a wonderful occasion!” Apparently, Vincent was rubbing off on her already.

“Now that you have had the honour of being my dearest friend, I would be more than happy to introduce you to your personal hero! I am sure dearest friend Milich will be happy that such a fine girl with the spark of knowledge have his magnificent self as an inspiration.”

“You really think so?! Oh! What a happy day this is! I am so overjoyed, I cannot begin to express it...” Emilia had officially gone insane.

“Words cannot express this honour you are about to receive! Oh, how I envy you, to meet such magnificent people in a short while.” Vincent said, happily.

“Yes...I agree...I didn't ever think that ...people.. no, heroes such as yourselves...would ever come to a place like Greenhill...”

“Magnificent! Shall you come, new dearest friend. I am afraid I have not gotten the opportunity to know your wonderful name.”

“Oh...my name is Emilia. Emilia Highbranch. And I would love to go with you.” Oh, what else could happen to Emilia now?

In an inn bar that would normally be empty at this time of day sat three soldiers. They were in their middle ages and grey hair already started to sprout of the blackness of their hairs and beards. In fact, the only way the inn keepers knew they were soldiers is from the swords they carry around, and their habit to over drink.

One of them put down his cup and grunted. “ ‘em damn Highlanders are staging an attack on ‘is states. I ‘ear both Ryube and Toto have ‘een burnt.”

“And ‘em mayors are sitting on ‘eir asses and quiverin in fear! Whateve’ happened to the good ol days? Why, even Gustav and Gorudo have started showing their weak yellow belly side.”

“I tell ya wha happened! They’re hypocrites, that’s what ‘ey are. Damn hypocrites. First ‘ey come saying how they support mayor Alec cause and smite all their enemies. ‘ats what they did, smitten them all! But now that the mayor is gone and his pretty little daughter is running things, dey all go.”

“ ‘an now. All those who stood against Alec are dared left alive. Damn unbelievable. ‘at happened to the world? It all gone mental! If ah see ‘at Milich Oppenh whatever or ruler of Karaya or....”

The third broke his silence. “Hahahaha! ‘ou lost your mind, Matt. Everyone damn knows good ol Alec killed that stupid ruler of Karaya. And he did a damn fine job of it too.”

“You stupid or somefin’?! I speak about that Lucia bitch, I ‘ear she’s launching some attack against the states for killin her father.”

“Hahahahaha! Pretty girl launch an attack? Sure! And Teresa will be da one who stops her! Hahahaha. Damn women today, wif all their rights an crap. Why can’t they just do wha they were made to do! Cook and give us blokes a fine time.”

Continuing their endless ranting, the fact that Vincent and Emilia -their favourite target for spewing taunt and ridicule- slipped their drunk eyes.

“Oh! Hi Emilia!” The inn keeper’s daughter came out of the kitchen. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I’m just....”

She interrupted Emilia when she saw the man following her. The young raven haired girls’ lips reached both ends of her face. “Ooo, Emilia, how naughty of you.”

“Well...uh...I..” Emilia started. Vincent then took his cue to speak.

“Young lady!! Should such a person your age be thinking such vulgar things? ‘tis a shame that unpure thoughts like that are let running around loose in this fine place. Why, what would your parents think of this?! Does this evil has no depths of shame in the murky waters of vulgarness!”

It was the inn keeper’s daughters turn to stammer, leaving the ex soldiers as perplexed as her. They traced Emilia and the stranger. Emilia, recognising the geezers, gently pushed Vincent to go upstairs.

“Time shall wait for this magnificent occasion, dearest friend, there is no need to rush the magnificent flow.”

“It is not for that I wish to hurry.” Grumbled Emilia, giving the evil eye to the group, who just laughed. In her mind, Emilia watched sharp, pointy objects impale them repeatedly.

After the laughter, and the duo, disappeared the soldiers sat up straight, looking at each other seriously. Well, as serious as a bunch of drunk vulgar geezers can be.

“Didja ‘ear that?? Cook buy sounds like that Milich whatever.”

“Yes, and asn’t dat Emilia person readin’ a book by ‘im?”

“You two ‘ont seriously think Milich Oppengooger dare show his damn ugly face in ‘ese parts? He be general for the Scarlet Moon Empire!”

“It damn sounded like ‘im. Checking a situation is da best thing ‘o do.”

Milich, Kasios and Antoinette sat up at Vincent’s arrival.

“Vincent, dear.” Said Antoinette “Glad to see you are back already, now, can we depart? These clothes are starting to burn my delicate skin. And I am not enjoying the dreams that float above me, at all.”

“Oh yes.” Said Kasios. “Antoinette is wise, we should depart from this place in a thousand songs. After all, the passionate garden is waiting for us.”

“Y...you’re Kasios?” Emilia said from behind Vincent, shocked. Now, where was that autograph book...

“Dearest friends, allow me to introduce a new dear friend, Emilia Highbranch! She has informed me about the magnificent place that is the academy. And, dearest friend Milich Kasios, it shall soar your heart with joy that support of Alec has gone down to the bowels of hell.”

“Aw, ah wouldn’ say that. Bloody ‘ell is such a far away place.”

Vincent and Emilia stepped back to reveal the three soldiers from before. They took a good look at the person wearing the big heat and red martial arts suit. Then eyed for his blade resting comfortably on the smooth white sheets of the bed.

“It is Milich Ognahimbler! In ‘a name of mayor Alec, we’ he’ ‘o fini’ ‘a ‘ob!”


“we’ he’ ‘o fini’ ‘a ‘ob!!”


“we’ he’ ‘o fini’ ‘a ‘ob!!!”

“I cannot comprehend such a vulgar language.”

“we’ he’ ‘o fini’ ‘a ...... oh ‘hat the hell! Get ‘em!!”

The three soldiers stalked forward menacingly. Milich calmly reached for his blade, until one of the soldiers saw him and the stalk morphed into a run. Emilia grabbed the book she had with her and slammed it into the head of a soldier. Vincent’s hand glowed and out of a pink dust of cloud flowers arose.

The assailment of.... roses confused the soldiers for a few seconds, giving Milich time to reach his blade. A soldier took out his sword, and both clashed their weapons. The two other soldiers stepped back. After three steps they bumped into Antoinette.

“Oh baby baby baby” Cried one of them. “Get a loo’ at this hottie.”

“Excuse me!” Grumbled Antoinette, stepping back.

The other soldier tried to render her submissive, towering her and bending so close she could smell his awful beer stained breath.

“ ‘em fruity men give you no action, let ‘s real mean show you how it’s done.”

“I advice you right now, GENTLEMEN, please lay your hands off of moi.”

“Aw, ‘em little lady ain’t liking you Floyd.” Mocked the other soldier, pushing the first one aside and imposed his hand on Antoinette’s shoulder.

Antoinette subtly gritted her death, rage slowly accumulating from the cultured lady. “It appears that your hearing is insufficient. So I shall please ask you again, if you wish no harm, to please get your vulgar dirty hands off of me. I have just used my special beauty treatment and cannot afford it to be dirtied by you.”

He stood closer, as did the other man. “Little ‘ady actin touch, I like ‘em feisty. What ‘ou gonna do? Hit me. Hahahahahaha”

The two men fell to the ground, bloodied and bruised. Antoinette dusted herself off “Now I’ll have to use my special lotion again.”

The other two fighters continued their clashes of blade, Emilia continued cheering Milich. After their display of skills, the soldier lost his grip and fell, leaving Milich and company to escape.

The flow of setting sun drowned Greenhill in orange red glows and greeted five people outside the gates.

“Milich, please consider it. The city states are in danger of that beast, Ruka Bright.” Said Emilia “A great swordsman like you can beat him...And...I still want your autograph."

“I am not sure of this suggestion.” Milich rubbed his chin “The battle concerns us not.”

Vincent stepped in. “Dearest friend Milich, I disagree with this magnificent, yet wrong, statement! It us the duty of all us aristocratic brilliance to make sure vulgarness shall not spread among the lands. And cher Antoinette, she is from these fine lands too. The passions of our souls shall enleash their full glory in great artistic flare with all the colors of the heart.”

Milich nodded. “Excellent suggestion, friend Vincent. Truly, it shall be harrowing, but there is nothing us aristocratic brilliance can never do! But, what shall we call this magnificent meeting of souls?”

The place grew quiet for a moment. The thoughts churning fast and hard until it pinged.

“Magnificent Aristocratic Army of Passionate Flare!” The aristocrats shouted at once.

Emilia just kind of stood there, scribbling that down on a notepad. She waved farewell to the newly-named group of fighters, and went back into the Academy, and started to re-read al of Milich's books.

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"Emilia" and "Vincent" are (C) Konami
This chapter was posted on April 7, 2000
Vincent's author is no longer active