Agares Chapter 7
"Dinnertime Conversation"

Agares was seated in the Dining Hall at the very back. His table was where the lords and ladies sat. The soldiers sat at other tables. So far, the turkey, cheese, and wine wasn't poisoned. The (eleventh) food taster was taking a bite from the bread. Agares had many enemies and a good way to knock someone off was poison. In fact, not one day after taking the throne of Highland, his first food taster had died from a poison in the chicken. Agares didn't so much as take a sip of water before having it tasted. Sure, it might be paranoia, but it was safer that way. Durimal was seated next to him making his way through a vegetable soup. He looked up from it and turned to his King.

"What are your plans, sire?"

"Beg your pardon?" Agares asked.

"Well, Jillia has been kidnapped, Ruka has destroyed 2 villages and is preparing for an attack on the mercenary fort. What are you going to do?"

"It's officially war, Durimal." Agares said. "The States captured Jillia, future heir to the Throne." Agares seemed to grow both angered and sad at the same time. "I will see to it personally, that the City States pay for this."

Durimal nodded. "I see. What about the 'good' captain, Rowd?"

Agares grew dark. "If the 'good' captain should fail me again, in the same manner, I will not be happy. I do not stand for incompetence in my troops."

"But Jillia ordered him to flee."

"Rule 1 of being a soldier: Never abandon the Royalty." Agares said. "The Royalty means more then the life of a mere soldier. Without the Royalty, a country would fall into chaos. There would be no one to lead them. The commoners are mostly uneducated farmers. They have no leadership in them whatsoever. It would be easy pickings for the City States, unless they had the King, Queen, Prince, or Princess."

"Ah." Durimal said.

"I'll let Ruka take the mercenaries. But Muse is mine." Agares continued. "I have an image to maintain. The King *should* lead the armies to take the Capitol of the enemy. It's just the way things are done."

"I see."

"Within all probability, Jillia will be at either the fort or Muse. However, I suspect Muse. I doubt Anabelle would want hired soldiers keeping such an important political figure. I believe by the time Ruka destroys the fort, Jillia will already have been moved to Muse. Therefore, I will gather the armies of Highland, and lead them to Muse to victory."

"Very good, sire."

"And after I have Muse, I will gather my White Dragons, and begin the search for the Traskthor Ruins, and find the Infinity Stone. From there, we've basically won."

"You seem to have this war worked all out." Durimal commented.

"Indeed." Agares replied. "And the Mercenaries will be the first to go."

Durimal nodded. "Hmm."

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"Agares" and "Suikoden 2" are (C) Konami, 1999.
This chapter was posted on May 23, 2000