"End of the Day" (L'Renouille) Fool. Ruka was a fool. Agares Bright, King and Supreme Overlord of the Kingdom of Highland, fairly chuckled at his son's stupidity. So blinded was he by this war and the hatred of his father, he could not see the King's true plans. A few of the Advisors were looking at the King now. He realized he was still in the Throne Room. He quickly recovered. "Just remembering something from a Jester I once met." He said. That seemed to convince them. Agares glanced out a window. Night had fallen. The day was over. He stood from his Throne. "Lords and Ladies of the Court." He said addressing his various advisors. "The day is done and the people of Highland now sleep. I insist that you do the same." He smiled, keeping up his 'Good Guy' act. "I thank you all for another excellent day. I shall see you tomorrow." That was enough. The Lords and Ladies bowed and curtsied to their King and left, leaving Agares alone in the Throne Room. He rose from his Throne and walked out and headed to his quarters. Agares realized then how easily the Public could be mislead. They all thought that the Unicorn Brigade, a unit of mere children had been slaughtered by the Evil Jowston City States. They thought that their good King was doing his best to stop what looked to end the threat of War. So easily mislead. Agares could win the people over with his 'Good King' act, and no one would ever believe their king was 'Evil'. He reached his room, laughing. Inside was a great bed, a desk, and a large-walk in closet as well as another room leading to a private Bath. There was also a rectangular table against one wall. Agares went to it and picked up a piece of paper lying on the table. It had a list of names on it. At the very top of the list was 'Samuel De Offelo'. Ah yes, the young lord Offelo. A promising young individual from a Noble House. Yes, Agares would have to meet this young lad soon. He put the piece of paper back down. There was a knock on the door. "Enter." Agares said. A man in a white coat and white tunic and matching outfit entered. It was Durimal, the Military Strategist for Agares' personal unit, the White Dragons, the Super Elite of Highland's military. Durimal was unnerving to look at because he had one amber eye and one green eye. His hair was brown, in a ponytail. "Sire." Durimal said softly. "You called?" "I did." Agares said. "Any more news of the Ruins?" "We continue to search for the Traskthor Ruins sire." Durimal said. "But I feel it necessary to ask why we are searching for 'mythical' Ruins?" "The Ruins are REAL!" Agares exclaimed. "The Infinity Stone is REAL!" He pounded the table with his fist. "With the added power of the Infinity Stone to my King's Stone, we could easily crush Jowston AND Ruka!" "I...see." Durimal said. "But the Traskthor Ruins are claimed to be in Harmonia. The High Priest will discover us eventually." "The High Priest will leave us alone when he thinks I'm going on a wild goose chase for a 'mythical' Stone." Durmal nodded. "You are dismissed, Durimal." Durimal bowed to his King and left. Agares smiled at himself, pleased at the way he was handling this war. He then took from his neck, his most treasured possession. The symbol of the Rulers of Highland. The Power of it's Monarchs. The King's Stone. It was a small green stone with a golden necklace through it. Within the small Stone, the powers of Fire and Lightning were kept, a power so great all who faced the Kings of Highland trembled. Agares looked at the Stone. He'd inherited from his father, King Maral Bright, and one day, he'd pass it on to Jillia. Not Ruka, the Demon. Ruka would, invariably, lead Highland to disaster. Agares certainly didn't want that. He then had a bath and crawled into bed. As he lay under the covers, Agares pondered the events. The Unicorn Brigade murdered by Jowston. He'd have to talk to Ruka in the morning and get the REAL story out of him. Also, there was Jillia. She'd left about a day ago with none other then the former Commander of the Unicorn Brigade, Captain Rowd. Agares knew Ruka had assigned him. His hate for Ruka was as large as his love for Jillia. If anything should ever happen to her, the last thing Ruka would ever see would be Agares, standing over his cold, dead, body. Agares then went back to considering putting out the Contract on Ruka. He was getting to be a little uncontrollable. Agares liked to be in Control. Well, all in the new day...